Indonesian to English
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acakdisordered, random
acak-acakin a hurry, hastily.
acak-acakanin disorder, chaos
acan(Sd) miniscule in amount.
acang-acangconfidential agent, shop steward
acapbe under water, be stuck in deeply
acapkalirepeatedly, frequently
acar kubissauerkraut
acaraagenda, program, judicial procedure, jurisdiction
acara hari inithe order of the day
acara hiburan klab malamfloor show
acara perkaralawsuit procession
acara pilihan pendengarrequest program
acara radioradio program
acara televisitelevision programme
acara tvtv program
acara tv luar negeriforeign tv programme
acara tv nasionalnational television program
acara tv setempatlocal-television programme

Related Word(s)

air, c, class, conditioned, conditioning, device


Saya menyingkirkan AC
I got rid of air-conditioning
karena saya berpikir AC terlalu banyak memakan energi.
because I thought there was too much consumption going on there.
Sangat canggih, tanpa AC -- Saya menyukainya.
Very advanced, no air-conditioning -- I love it.
meminta orang-orang untuk mematikan AC
asking people to turn off their air conditioning
Matikan AC dan nyalakan kipas angin.
Turn off your air conditioning, turn on your fans.
berkata mereka mematikan AC dan menyalakan kipas angin.
said that they turned off their air conditioning and turned on their fans.
Bergabunglah dengan mereka. Matikan AC
Please join them. Turn off your air conditioning
dan kita membiarkan AC menyala saat tidak ada orang di rumah.
and we leave the air conditioning on when nobody's home.
dan ayah tidak mengijinkan saya menyalakan AC.
and my father would not let us use the air conditioner.
dan kita dapat menghidupkan AC sepanjang jalan
We blast the air conditioning the entire way,
Di masa lalu, sebelum adanya AC, kita menggunakan dinding yang tebal.
In the past, before air conditioning, we had thick walls.
pada AC untuk mendinginkan ruangan yang terkena cahaya matahari.
mechanical air conditioning to cool our solar-heated spaces.
kemampuan rekayasa kita semakin baik sehingga sistem mekanik AC itu
our engineering even better, so that the mechanical systems
dan juga mengendalikan jumlah AC yang Anda perlukan di dalam ruangan.
as well as control the amount of air conditioning you need inside that building.
di AC, lemari es, dan alat pendingin lainnya.
in air conditioners, refrigerators and other cooling devices.
seperti AC dan pemanas.
like air conditioners and heaters.
untuk tinggal dan bekerja di tempat ber-AC.
and working in air-conditioned places.
dan itulah sebabnya kita punya kulkas, AC,
and that's why we have refrigerators, air-conditioning,
Tidak ada AC.
It doesn't have air conditioning.
pemanas, dan AC.
heating and air conditioning.
entang perbedaan antara arus AC dan DC
the difference between AC and DC.
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