Indonesian to English
bensin gasoline
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  1. gasolin
  2. minyak bumi
  3. petrol
bensin rendah titik didihnyahigh test gasoline

Related Word(s)

benzene, benzine, fuel, gas, gasolene, gasoline, monoxide, petrol, stations


Saya bekerja di pompa bensin
I'm working at a gas station
Jika Anda duduk di pompa bensin seharian,
You sit in a gas station all day,
? Mobil dijalankan dengan bensin ?
? Cars would run on gasoline ?
Kita juga tahu lokasi semua pom bensin.
The other thing is we know where all the gas stations are.
dari jumlah pompa bensin
of number of petrol stations
Yaitu jumlah pompa bensin di kota
That is that the number of petrol stations in the city
mencoba memotivasi Anda untuk menyetir lebih hemat bensin.
which try to motivate you to drive more fuel efficiently.
siapa yang paling hemat bensin.
the most fuel efficiently.
dan itu membutuhkan bensin yang lumayan bukan?
and that would use quite some fuel, wouldn't it?
seperti hemat bensin,
like less fuel,
[ ... propana, gas, bensin, atau bahan habis pakai lainnya ]
propane, gas, kerosene or consumables.
Saya menghabiskan waktu lama di pompa bensin -- stasiun kereta api kosong.
I spend a lot of time in gas stations too -- empty train stations.
stasiun kereta api dan pompa bensin kosong.
empty train stations, empty gas stations.
lalu saya pergi ke pom bensin,
so I went to the gas stations and
dan menawarkan pom bensin itu untuk menjual kacamata pada pelanggannya
and had the gas stations sell them to their customers.
Ini seperti Anda mengisi bensin Anda di tahun 1998,
That's the equivalent of you filling up your car with gas in 1998,
atau kendaraan berbahan bakar campuran yang menggunakan E85 (campuran etanol - bensin)
or flex fuel vehicles run on E85.
Di sebelah kanan, Anda melihat emisi bensin,
And so, on the right, you see gasoline emissions,
dengan sekitar satu setengah liter bensin.
of about a liter and a half of petrol.
dan sudah cukup gila untuk melakukan hal ini, membuang satu setengah liter bensin
and it's simply crazy to do this, to put a liter and a half of petrol in the trash
Dan 2,4 miliar galon bensin terbuang.
And it's 2.4 billion gallons of gasoline wasted.
Hidrogen dihasilkan saat belerang dibuang dari bensin
It's produced to get sulfur out of gasoline
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