Indonesian to English
wah well!, hey !
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  1. astaga
    (waduh, wah)
  2. waduh
wahadah/wahadat/ (Rel.) oneness (of God).
wahaialas!, oh!
wahamsuspisous, suspicion
wahanamode, vehicle
wahana kehidupanplane of life
wahidone, unique, alone
wahonsee WAGON.
wahyudevine revelation
(often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well')
(Sering digunakan sebagai bentuk menggabungkan) dengan cara yang baik atau tepat atau memuaskan atau dengan standar yang tinggi (`baik adalah varian dialek tidak standar untuk` juga)
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

ah, boy, gee, gosh, heck, how, look, o, oh, well, whoa, wow


Katakan saja, 'Wah, hebat. Bagus sekali.
Just say to them, 'That's cool. That's fantastic.
"Wah, itu hiperbola.
"Gosh, that's hyperbole.
dan tidak berapa lama, mereka befikir, "Wah, hal ini adalah semacam sejarah.
And before long, they think, "Well jeez, this is kind of historic.
Dan mereka mulai berfikir, "Wah, anda tahu, kita memperhatikan
And they they start thinking, "Well gosh, you know, we're noticing
wah, teman saya Larry Brilliant akan sangat senang
boy, my friend Larry Brilliant would really be happy
Anda seperti, "Wah, ini benar-benar kerumunan kutu buku."
you're like, "Whoa, this is a really nerdy crowd."
dan dia berkata, " Wah, keren.
and she said, "Oh, fantastic!
Wah! Banyak sekali ancaman besar!
Yikes! So many big threats!
Hal terburuk yang dapat kita lakukan adalah berkata, wah, sudah terlalu banyak yang harus dikhawatirkan
The worst thing we can do is say, jeez, I got enough to worry about
"Wah, kenapa kita tidak membuka tempat seperti ini?"
"Well, why don't we have a place like that here?"
Saya pikir, "Wah ini mengagumkan,
I thought, "Well, that's amazing,
Dan saya jawab, "Wah.
And I said, "Yeah.
dan bilang pada saya, "Wah Aimee, kecil-kecil ternyata kamu luar biasa kuat ya,
and he said to me, "Wow. Aimee, you are such a strong and powerful little girl,
Saya dengar orang berujar dibelakang saya, "Wah ternyata Aimee Mullins."
I hear this guy, his voice behind me say, "Well, if it isn't Aimee Mullins."
"Wah, ini lucu banget. Kamu beli dimana?"
"Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?"
satu dari 50 anak itu akan berpikir, "Wah,
one in 50 of them, some light bulb goes off, and they think,
Saya berkata, "Wah, Anda gila. Teknologi itu belum tersedia sekarang.
I said, "Look, you're nuts. That technology's just not available right now.
Para guru selalu bilang, "Wah, teknologinya bagus, tapi terlalu mahal."
The teachers always say, well, it's fine, but it's too expensive for what it does.
Wah sepertinya ide bagus, mari kita wujudkan."
That sounds like a winner; we'll go with it."
"Wah, gempa bumi,"
"Whoa, earthquake,"
RG: Wah.
RG: Uh oh.
Video: Wah! (Orang tertawa)
Video: Whoa! (Laughter)
Wah itu pembajakan.
"Well, that sounds like plagiarism."
Wah, aku ragu kalau aku ada dalam daftar orang terhebat Max.
Gee, I doubt I'll make Max's best people list.
CA: Wah, jadi bocoran anda
CA: Wow, so your leak
Di Inggris kita cenderung merasa, "Wah! Tambah tiga lagi!"
In Britain we tend to feel, "Whoa! Got another three!"
"Wah! Tunggu. Sabar."
"Whoa! Hold on. Slow down."
mulai bilang, "Wah, kami juga mau bikin mobil di segment Nano.
they also started saying, "Yes, we also want to make a car in the Nano Segment.
"Wah, supirku datang dengan mobilnya sendiri dan bisa memarkirnya."
"Yes, my chauffeur is going to come in his own car and park it."
Saya bilang,"Wah ilmu pengetahuan itu sungguh keren,
I said, "Whoa, science is so wonderful,
"wah ini bagus," atau "oh, kita akan mengalami transisi
"This is wonderful," or "We're going to see a transition
"Wah, bagus nih, kita semua harus memilihnya untuk naik."
"Oh, what a great thing, we should all vote this up."
atau mungkin, "Wah, gigimu besar sekali."
Or you know, "My, what big teeth you have."
Dia berkata, "Wah, itu mudah, ini Distrik Delapan.
He said, "Well, easy, this is District Eight.
Saya bilang, "wah ini cukup keren
I said, "Well, that's kind of neat.
saya berpikir, "Wah, benar-benar seorang pencinta kartun."
I thought, "Wow, that's really a cartoon lover."
Ada apa di halaman selanjutnya? Wah, ketika saya seumuranmu, saya tidak bisa melakukannya.'
What's the next page? Gosh, when I was your age, I could have never done that.'
Sisi kutu buku saya berpikir, "Wah, ini menakjubkan.
The nerdy side of me thought, "Wow, this is amazing.
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