English to Indonesian
as their sebagai . mereka
as their
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assama, ketika, sambil, karena, berhubung, walaupun, meskipun, seperti, mirip, laksana
theirkg. mereka (punya). t. attitude sikap mereka.


What if they can use these plants as their own form of medicine?
Bagaimana jika mereka bisa menjadikan ini obat?
as their most looming and important
sebagai pengaruh aktivis yang paling menonjol
as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their rights."
maupun kebebasan mereka, semuanya harus diperhitungkan dalam hak-hak mereka."
they use chemicals as their words,
mereka menggunakan senyawa kimia sebagai kata-katanya,
and human rights as their birthright,
sebagai hak asasi manusia,
Iceland elected Vigdis Finnbogadottir as their president --
Islandia memilih Vigdis Finnbogadottir sebagai presiden --
and sell it as their own design.
dan menjualnya sebagai hasil rancangannya sendiri.
as well as their uses --
dan kegunaannya --
Americans in the future can't expect to be twice as well off as their parents,
orang Amerika di masa depan tidak bisa berharap untuk dua kali lebih baik daripada orang tua mereka,
as their main source of food.
sebagai sumber utama makanan mereka.
and offer that to me when I came as their guest
dan menawarkan pada saya ketika saya datang sebagai tamu
And if they nominate the party host as their friend,
Kalau mereka menominasikan dia sebagai teman mereka,
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