English to Indonesian
bronx kb. wilayah kota New york. Sl.: B. cheer tiupan dengan bibir tertutup yang mengeluarkan bunyi, peluitan dengan bibir tertutup.
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bronx cheercemooh
a borough of New York City
sebuah borough di New York City
source: WordNet 3.0


And it resonated for me. I grew up as a poor kid in the South Bronx ghetto,
Dan itu berlaku dengan saya. Saya tumbuh sebagai anak yang miskin di Bronx selatan,
? They didn't understand the sound from the Bronx, that's the boogie down ?
? Mereka tidak mengerti bunyian dari Bronx, itu adalah perjalanan ?
? From Bronx to Berlin, we took the tour European ?
? Dari Bronx ke Berlin, kita keliling Eropa ?
And I must say, I spent time in the Bronx
Dan saya harus mengatakan, saya menghabiskan waktu di Bronx
Here it's faceted glass in the Bronx.
Inilah potongan kaca di Bronx.
And Bronx literature,
Dan literatur Bronx,
it's all about Bronx writers
semuanya tentang penulis-penulis Bronx
with a South Bronx developer
bersama pengembang Bronx Selatan
between Harlem and the Bronx.
di antara Harlem dan the Bronx.
We lived in the Bronx at the time,
Saat itu kami tinggal di Bronx.
At this time we're living in the Bronx,
Saat itu kami tinggal di Bronx
a wish for a better life somewhere in the Bronx,
impian untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik di tengah Bronx,
the reality is -- kids in the South Bronx need apples and carrots
anak-anak di Bronx selatan membutuhkan apel dan wortel
it's no wonder that really some people refer to the South Bronx as a desert.
tidak aneh bila beberapa orang menyebut Bronx Selatan sebagai gurun.
And then you notice that those seeds become farms across the Bronx that look like this.
Kemudian Anda lihat bibit-bibit ini berubah menjadi lahan pertanian di sepanjang Bronx.
workforce in America with our Bronx Borough President.
termuda di Amerika, disahkan oleh kepala daerah Bronx kami.
So I call this "from South Bronx to Southampton."
Jadi saya bisa bilang "dari Bronx Selatan ke Hampton Selatan (Southampton)."
That's a picture I took of my Bronx Borough President,
Ini adalah foto kepala daerah Bronx kami yang saya ambil,
And when the Bronx Borough President shows up
Dan ketika kepala daerah Bronx datang
believe you me, the Bronx can change attitudes now.
percayalah kepada saya, bahwa Bronx bisa berubah sekarang.
And when we realized that we were growing for food justice in the South Bronx,
Dan ketika kami menyadari kami menumbuhkan bahan pangan dengan baik di Bronx Selatan,
And my kids in the South Bronx were repped in
Dan murid-murid saya di Bronx Selatan diundang ke
because they gave us the birth of Green Bronx Machine.
karena mereka telah membantu kami melahirkan Mesin Hijau Bronx.
is the South Bronx of America. And we're doing it.
muncullah Bronx Selatan di Amerika. Dan kami melakukannya.
And behold the glory and bounty that is Bronx County.
Dan bangkitlah kejayaan area Bronx.
we're proving in the Bronx that you can grow anywhere, on cement.
kami membuktikan bahwa di Bronx Anda dapat bertanam di mana saja, di semen.
Amazed people. The glory and bounty that is Bronx County.
Orang-orang hebat. Sekarang bangkitlah area Bronx
I'm Steve Ritz, this is Green Bronx Machine.
Saya Steve Ritz, dan inilah Mesin Hijau Bronx.
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