English to Indonesian
fridge =refrigerator
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a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor
lemari es di mana cairan pendingin dipompa sekitar dengan motor listrik
source: WordNet 3.0


Or you could put drugs in your wallet and not in your fridge.
Atau Anda dapat menaruh obat dalam dompet dan tak harus dalam kulkas.
into the fridge (and made bee pie)," smiley face. Right? (Laughter)
ke dalam kulkas (dan membuat pai lebah)," gambar muka tertawa. Betul? (Tawa)
to put the ball in the fridge, gave them a nice cool dung ball,
menaruh bola ini di kulkas, dan memberi mereka bola kotoran dingin yang bagus,
and not in your fridge
dan tak harus dalam kulkas
grosser and his sustainable fridge
grosser dan kulkasnya yang berkelanjutan
the fridge keeps it drier
kulkas akan membuatnya lebih kering
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