English to Indonesian
hemisphere belahan bumi
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half of the terrestrial globe
setengah dari dunia terestrial
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

bagian otak, belahan, belahan bumi, belahan planet, berenang, otak


the 35 nations of the Western hemisphere and their interconnectedness
35 negara di belahan dunia barat dan interkoneksinya
And so if we had a scale to measure the aptitude of each hemisphere,
Dan jika kita harus mengukur kemampuan dari masing-masing belahan,
this is a whole human hemisphere --
ini adalah belahan manusia --
getting very cold. The Northern Hemisphere had massive growing ice sheets.
sangat dingin. Belahan bumi utara punya lapisan es yang sangat tebal.
It's no exaggeration to say that the Southern Hemisphere is going to be
Tidak berlebihan jika saya mengatakan bahwa Belahan Bumi Selatan akan menjadi
It makes no odds. In fact, in the Northern Hemisphere,
Tidak ada bedanya, sebenarnya, di belahan Bumi Utara,
Because the people I speak to in the northern hemisphere
Karena orang-orang yang saya temui di belahan bumi utara
Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored.
Sebagian besar belahan bumi selatan belum tereksplorasi.
to find things like the first eggs in the Western hemisphere
dalam menemukan telur-telur pertama di bumi bagian Barat
Some of them are from the northern hemisphere;
Beberapa berasal dari belahan bumi utara
We believe that the oceans were in the northern hemisphere,
Kami yakin bahwa lautan ada di belahan Mars utara.
have gone to the northern hemisphere.
mendarat di belahan utara.
That's because the northern hemisphere
Itu karena belahan utara
But look in the southern hemisphere.
Namun lihatlah bagian selatannya.
In the southern hemisphere there are impact craters,
Di bagian selatan ada kawah bekas tabrakan,
now half in darkness because the southern hemisphere
tampak sebagian dalam kegelapan karena kutub selatan
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