laboratory | laboratorium |
laboratory | |||
laboratory coordinate system | sistem koordinat laboratorium |
laboratory experiment | percobaan laboratorium |
laboratory instrument | instrumen laboratorium |
laboratory system | sistem laboratori |
laboratory training | metode latihan kerja |
laboratory worker | laboran |
laboratory | |
noun |
a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
tempat kerja untuk melakukan penelitian ilmiah
fasilitas laboratorium, laboratorium, laboratorium dan, laboratorium seadanya, laboratorium untuk, laboratorium yang, oleh laboratorium |
Example(s)these are beautiful laboratory experiments, ini adalah percobaan di lab yang bagus,
doing chemical experiments in the laboratory, melakukan eksperimen kimiawi di laboratorium,
In the laboratory what we want to do Di laboratorium yang ingin kami lakukan
not sort of sterile laboratory conditions. bukan semacam kondisi steril laboratorium.
at Aquarius undersea laboratory di laboratorium bawah laut Aquarius,
dancers have created a whole global laboratory online para penari menciptakan laboratorium global "online"
They have been tested in the laboratory. Itu semua telah diuji di labotarium.
In my own laboratory, Di laboratorium saya
And the way to test it in the laboratory Dan cara untuk mengujinya di laboratorium
into a psychological laboratory ke laboratorium psikologi
at Bell's Holmdel laboratory di laboratorium Bell Holmdel
Secondly, we have a natural laboratory surrounding the Earth. Yang kedua, kita memiliki laboratorium alami mengelilingi bumi.
looking at that natural laboratory and figuring out first what's safe to do on Earth. untuk melihat pada laboratorium alami dan mencari tahu apa yang aman dilakukan terlebih dahulu.
that can self-replicate in the laboratory, yang bisa memperbanyak dirinya sendiri di laboratorium.
was at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge. adalah di Laboratorium Cavendish di Cambridge.
Here's what it looked like in the laboratory. Inilah yang terlihat di laboratorium.
to make sure that just coming into the laboratory untuk memastikan bahwa hanya dengan datang ke laboratorium
Well, for many years in my laboratory and other laboratories around the world, Bertahun-tahun saya dan para ahli lainnya bekerja di laboratorium di seluruh dunia,
which is the preeminent particle physics laboratory in the world. yang merupakan laboratorium fisika partikel terkemuka di dunia.
working for the jet propulsion laboratory, di bagian laboratorium propulsi jet,
Here we have the Mars Science Laboratory Ada Laboratorium Ilmiah Mars yang baru diluncurkan
We've observed this in the laboratory. Kita telah memperhatikan hal ini di laboratorium.
here in Monterey at the Naval Postgraduate Laboratory. di Monterey di Laboratorium Paska Sarjana Angkatan Laut.
into the laboratory, di sebuah laboratorium,
So I brought these two bottles of nail polish into the laboratory, Saya bawa kedua botol pewarna kuku itu ke laboratorium,
And I brought women into the laboratory, Saya datangkan beberapa wanita ke laboratorium,
It's a flying laboratory that we took to make measurements in the region of this molecule. Ini adalah laboratorium terbang yang kami dirikan untuk mengukur molekul isoprena di daerah ini.
to view faces in laboratory studies, untuk melihat wajah-wajah di penelitian laboratorium,
no matter how far into the laboratory walaupun Anda jauh dari laboratorium
We go to the laboratory. Kami pergi ke laboratorium.
at the Autonomous Systems Laboratory di Laboratorium Sistem Otonom
to the National Ice Core Laboratory in Denver, Colorado, ke Laboratorium Inti Es Nasional di Denver, Colorado,
a state-of-the-art laboratory, laboratorium canggih
And when I was at National Chemical Laboratory [unclear]. Ketika saya masih di Laboratorium Kimia Nasional [tidak jelas].
animals like fruit flies and laboratory mice, yakni hewan-hewan seperti lalat buah dan tikus laboratorium,
in these plastic tubes in our laboratory bench di dalam tabung plastik di meja laboratorium kami
This was our laboratory before. Ini laboratorium kami sebelumnya.
I like to call our laboratory the coldest place in Central Africa -- it might be. Saya suka menyebut laboratorium kami sebagai tempat paling dingin di Afrika Tengah.
We're working with the Machine Perception Laboratory Kami bekerja bersama Laboratorium Penanggapan Mesin
You can teach them in the laboratory to do a little bit of exchange -- Anda bisa mengajari mereka di laboratorium untuk melakukan sedikit pertukaran.
Where other scientists would play in their laboratory, Di mana ilmuwan ilmuwan lain bereksperimen dalam laboratorium mereka,
and a few of the possibilities that we're working to bring out of the laboratory. dan beberapa kemungkinan yang sedang kita kerjakan untuk membawa keluar laboratorium.
That is when a seed is manipulated in a laboratory Saat benih dimanipulasi di laboratorium
And you take your DNA back to the laboratory Anda bawa DNA itu kambali ke laboratorium
And so we built a laboratory Maka kami membuat sebuah laboratorium
and actually took the laboratory to the field dan membawa laboratorium itu ke lapangan
and about the unprecedented laboratory tentang laboratorium baru
where we're working with Jet Propulsion Laboratory, di tempat kami bekerja, dengan Laboratorium Tenaga Jet,
in a dish on a bench in a laboratory somewhere. dalam mangkuk di meja laboratorium entah di mana.