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United States operatic soprano (born in 1945)
Amerika Serikat soprano opera (lahir 1945)
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

direktur emp norman, norman yang


This Norman Rockwell painting is called "The Golden Rule,"
Lukisan Norman Rockwell dinamakan "The Golden Rule,"
The 70s means who? Norman Lear.
Tahun 70-an berarti siapa? Norman Lear.
Yeah, people used to say, "Norman's OK,
Ya, dulu orang sering mengatakan, Norman itu lumayan
This is a clear Don Norman watch.
Inilah jam Don Norman.
So I'm at the Norman Lear Center at USC,
Saya bekerja di Norman Lear Center di USC.
was Norman Borlaug, my hero.
adalah Norman Borlaug, dia pahlawan saya.
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