English to Indonesian
very same sungguh sama
very same
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in the very same regions that have perception.
di wilayah-wilayah yang sama yang memiliki persepsi.
we were able to take these very same molecules and make cells with them.
kami dapat mengambil molekul yang sama dan membuat sel.
does the very same relationship, physical health, morbidity,
apakah relasi, kesehatan fisik, kewarasan,
were actually given the very same activity,
sebetulnya melakukan permainan yang persis sama,
across that very same period
pada waktu yang sama
So the very same purchase,
Pembelanjaan uang yang sama,
even right now at the very same time,
bahkan sekarang pada saat yang bersamaan,
about how that very same Mother Nature
tentang bagaimana Alam yang sama
by the very same man that some of you may remember
oleh orang yang sama yang mungkin Anda ingat
that the very same technology
teknologi yang sama
with the face of the musician, you see the very same features again.
dengan wajah sang musisi, Anda juga melihat ciri-ciri yang sama.
in the very same way that planets orbit the sun.
persis seperti planet-planet mengorbit Matahari.
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