Indonesian to English
adam 1 proper name. 2 (Islam) the prophet Adam.
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Seorang filsuf tidak terkenal bernama Adam Smith
A then unknown philosopher named Adam Smith
Inilah Adam Smith yang sama yang 17 tahun kemudian
Now this is the same Adam Smith who, 17 years later,
prinsip di dalam godaan Adam.
of the principals in Adam's temptation.
Ayolah Adam, jangan ragu-ragu. Gigitlah. Aku sudah.
"Come on Adam, don't be so wishy-washy. Take a bite." "I did."
Satu gigitan, Adam. Jangan menyia-nyiakan Hawa.
"One bite, Adam. Don't abandon Eve."
Waktu itu Steven berkata, "Lihat, Adam,
Now what Steven was saying was, "Look, Adam,
"Adam, kamu sudah lihat bilangan prima terbesar yang terbaru?"
"Adam, have you seen the new largest prime number?"
Adam, kami senang karena Anda senang,
Adam, we're happy that you're happy,
dengan David Hume, Adam Smith,
with David Hume, Adam Smith,
cerita dari sisi laki-laki, Adam kromosom-Y
the male side of the story, the Y-chromosome Adam
? Seperti layaknya Adam dan Hawa ?
? Like an Adam and an Eve ?
mulai dari Adam, Nuh, Musa, hingga Ibrahim,
beginning with Adam, including Noah, including Moses, including Abraham,
"Ketika Aku telah membentuk Adam daripada tanah liat,
"When I have finished the formation of Adam from clay,
Orang pertama --- panggil saja Adam ---
The first guy -- we'll call him Adam --
Maksud saya, Adam Smith,
I mean, Adam Smith,
Omong-omong, apa bahasa Ibrani untuk tanah liat? Adam.
By the way, what's the Hebrew word for clay? Adam.
Adam Smith berbicara tentang Amerika abad ke-18.
Adam Smith talks about 18th century America,
Adam Smith --
He was Adam Smith --
bersama ilmuwan komputer Adam Montandon,
with computer scientist Adam Montandon,
yang sudah ada setidaknya sebelum Adam Smith.
dating back to at least before Adam Smith.
Dan seperti kata Adam Smith "Tidak ada orang yang pernah melihat seekor anjing
As Adam Smith said, "No man ever saw a dog
Adam memerlukan empat jam untuk membuat tombak dan tiga jam untuk membuat kapak.
Adam takes four hours to make a spear and three hours to make an axe.
Jadi Oz lebih baik dalam membuat tombak dan kapak dibandingkan Adam.
So Oz is better at both spears and axes than Adam.
Dia tidak memerlukan Adam.
He doesn't need Adam.
Jika Oz membuat dua tombak dan Adam membuat dua kapak,
if Oz makes two spears and Adam make two axes,
Karena semakin mereka melakukan hal tersebut, Adam akan semakin ahli membuat kapak,
because the more they do this, the better Adam is going to get at making axes
Adam dan Oz dua-duanya menghemat satu jam.
Adam and Oz both saved an hour of time.
Dr. Adam Neiman.
Dr. Adam Neiman.
(Rekaman) Adam Ostrow: Halo.
(Recording) Adam Ostrow: Hello.
Adam Ostrow: Sedikit menyeramkan, bukan?
Adam Ostrow: Kind of creepy, right?
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