Indonesian to English
berjalan lancar done well
berjalan lancar
please wait
by Xamux Translate
berjalanwalk, run, go, work
lancarfast, swift, fluent, smooth

Related Word(s)

smoothly, tilted


Ini berjalan lancar di Eropa, tapi tidak terlalu jalan di sini.
That works very well in Europe, but it doesn't really work over here.
Dan kebijakan ini dapat berjalan lancar tanpa pajak, subsidi maupun pemberian wewenang.
And these policies work fine without taxes, subsidies or mandates.
Dan semuanya berjalan lancar
And everything began well
berjalan lancar menuju penyelesaian.
tilted towards completion.
FEED berjalan lancar. Sejauh ini kami menyediakan 55 juta makanan
So FEED's doing great. We've so far provided 55 million meals
Sering rencana tidak berjalan lancar.
Things often go wrong.
Dan Anda tahu, Terrapower, jika berjalan lancar, dan saya berharap besar.
And, you know, TerraPower, if things go well -- which is wishing for a lot --
Jika, penelitiannya berjalan lancar,
who, likewise, if their science goes well,
jika pendanaan pembangkit percobaan berjalan lancar,
if the funding for their pilot plants goes well,
Dan ini berjalan lancar
And this has been a smooth progression
Kalau semua berjalan lancar,
And if everything goes smoothly,
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