Indonesian to English
cucu grandchild
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cucu laki-lakigrandnephew
cucu lelakigrandson
cucu perempuangrandniece
cucuhkindle, light, switch on
cucukbill, beak, front line
cucundayour grandchild (respectful form, esp. in writing letters).
cucunguksee CECUNGUK.
cucupa kiss, shuck, sharp
cucura flow, trickle
cucur riamcascade shower
cucuran elektron-fotonelectron-photon shower
cucuran hadronhadronic shower
cucuran udaraair shower
cucurutsee CECURUT.
cucutshark, kiss, suck

Related Word(s)

asserted, children, clemently, descendants, earth, families, fourth, fruitful, future, grandchild, grandchildren, granddaughter, granddaughters, grandkids, grandson, grandsons, inherit, my, offspring, paradise, posterity, seed, she, united


Mengapa? Karena kita perlu agar bisa sukses beranak cucu
Why? Because we need them to be successful at reproducing
Itu adalah cucu dari pembidik bom Norden Mark 15.
Well it is the grandson of the Norden Mark 15 bombsight.
adalah anak cucu kita.
are our grandchildren.
bagaimana anak cucu anda akan bertumbuh.
how your grandchildren might build.
melainkan generasi cucu mereka.
but the next generation.
untuk anak-anak anda, untuk anak cucu kita.
for your children, for our grandchildren?
bahwa cucu Anda,
that your grandchildren,
atau cucu mereka,
or their grandchildren,
Saya punya 5 cucu sekarang
And I have five grandchildren now,
Sebagai nenek Irlandia, saya sangat bahagia mempunyai 5 cucu
I feel very happy as an Irish grandmother to have five grandchildren,
dunia yang aman bagi anak dan cucu kita,
a safe world for our children and our grandchildren,
untuk cucu Anda?
for your grandchildren?
dan cucu yang semoga dikaruniakan kepada saya,
and the grandchildren I hope to have,
sebuah tempat di mana kita semua ingin anak-anak dan cucu kita tumbuh.
a place we'd all want our kids and our grandchildren to grow up in.
cucu Anda, cucu-buyut Anda,
and your grandchild, or great-grandchild,
cucu-cucu kita, dan generasi
our grandchildren and the generations
-- atau pekerjaan, atau planet bumi, atau anak-cucu anda,
-- or jobs, or the planet, or your grand-kids,
dari cucu moyang Anda.
of your great-great-great-grandchildren.
dan cucu perempuan saya lahir di Singapura,
and the grand-daughter was born in Singapore,
Tidak ada apapun untuk cucu kita jika tidak menyelamatkannya.
There's nothing for the grandkid if you don't save up.
dengan cucu mereka, dengan teman-teman mereka,
with their granddaughters, with their friends,
dalam kehidupan cucu-cucu mereka
in their grandchildren's lives
hanya untuk melihat cucu-buyut mereka kembali ke gaya hidup agraris,
only to see their great-grandchildren return to an agrarian lifestyle,
Kita ingin memberitahu cucu kita
And we want to tell our grandchildren
bahwa anak cucu kita
that our children and our grandchildren
Para cucu pulang ke kampung halaman.
The grandchildren are coming home.
Saat anak dan cucu Anda
When your children and grandchildren
dapat memberitahu cucu Anda bahwa Anda menjadi bagian dari itu?
to tell your grandchildren that you were part of that?
bukan sekedar bermanfaat bagi satu atau dua orang cucu.
rather than just benefiting a grandchild or two.
Seingkali, para kakek dan nenek membesarkan cucu-cucu mereka
Frequently, grandparents are raising their grandchildren
hanyalah cucu dari cicitnya.
was simply her great-great-great-granddaughter.
memeluk cucu dari cicitnya.
to hold a great-great-great-granddaughter.
berjudul "Storms of My Grandchildren." (Badai Cucu - cucu Saya"
called "Storms of My Grandchildren."
Tapi saya harus memberitahu Anda, cucu perempuan saya yang paling kecil,
But I have to tell you, I have my youngest granddaughter,
Tapi beberapa dari cucu-cucu kita mungkin.
But some of our grandchildren probably will.
penyelesaiannya, tapi anak dan cucu kita akan melihatnya.
the resolution, but our children and grandchildren certainly will.
para kakek dengan cucu-cucu mereka
grandparents with their grandchildren,
Namun cucu-cucu kami perlu diperhatikan.
But our grandkids are going to be kind of concerned here.
pada dasarnya, adalah untuk beranak cucu
fundamentally, is procreation,
Beranak cucu bukanlah tujuan tunggal dari pernikahan.
procreation is not the only purpose of marriage;
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