Indonesian to English
d d, the 4th letter of the alphabet.
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d-1(diploma satu) o.-year diploma program.
d-2(diploma dua) two-year diploma program.
d-3(diploma tiga) three-year diploma program.
d.(danau) lake.
d.a.(dengan alamat) c/o., in care of.
d/p(dengan perantaraan) via s.o.
da1. (China) at, on, in. 2. daa, daag (Coll.) goodbye.
da'wasee DAKWA.
da'wahsee DAKWAH.
dabmen-dab dub a film.
dabung(Lit.) ber-, men- file teeth (for aesthetic or religious reasons).
dabussee DEBUS 2.
dacina portable balanced scale
dacin, dacingk.o. portable balances scale. men-dacin weigh items with such a scale.
dacingportable balanced scale
dacing romawiroman balance
dadachest, thorax, bosom

Related Word(s)

6d, ar, auctioneer, b, cerebell, chemic, colo, compl, composition, david, de, dec, dist, duelist, eateth, etc, figuratively, fir, found, fundamental, garbage, graceful, hud, intermixers, l, llu, manufactured, othe, piece, port, pound, railroad, resemblance


dengan titik D di sebelah kanan yang jauh;
to node D in the far right;
dan D memliki enam teman yang berasal dari dia
and D has six friends coming out from him.
Dan, terakhir, bandingkan titik C dan D:
And, finally, compare nodes C and D:
C dan D dua-duanya memiliki enam orang teman.
C and D both have six friends.
Apakah anda ingin menjadi C atau D?
Would you rather be C or D?
Anda lebih memilih menjadi D, di pinggir jaringan.
You'd rather be D, on the edge of the network.
Tak satupun, tidak Andrew Carnegie, tidak juga John D. Rockefeller,
No one, not Andrew Carnegie, not John D. Rockefeller,
campuran memusingkan dari matematika murni tingkat Ph.D
a heady mix of Ph.D-level pure mathematics
inilah perkantoran di luar Washington D. C.
this one of an office park outside of Washington D.C.
saya dan saudara saya pindah kembali ke Washington D.C,
my brother and I moved back to Washington, D.C.,
di kampung halaman kami, Washington, D.C.
in our hometown of Washington, D.C.
Saya tumbuh tidak jauh dari sini di Washington D. C.
I grew up not far from here in Washington D.C.
yaitu J.D. Hooker, president Royal Society pada waktu itu,
who was J.D. Hooker, or at that time, president of the Royal Society,
Saya dapat D untuk kelas tembikar, salah satu yang saya ambil --
I got a D in pottery, which was the one thing that I did get --
Baru saja, D.C. Comics mengumumkan
Just today, D.C. Comics announced
Dan rekan kami di Washington D. C.
And our colleagues in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. sampai keluar di sana.
Washington, D.C. went out here.
Dan saya dapat mengerti, karena Washington, D.C.
And I can understand him, because Washington, D.C.
Yang mengelompokkan siswa jadi grup A, B, C,D, dll
It's separating students from A, B, C, D and so on.
kelompok D diberi nilai A
D-level students, gave them A's,
mereka meyakinkan siswa kelompok A bahwa kualitas mereka sebatas D
is that they took the "A students" and told them they were "D's."
Mereka cuma diberitahu yang mana siswa berpredikat A mana yang D
They were simply told, "These are the 'A-students,' these are the 'D-students.'"
namun sudah pasti bukan B, C, atau D, benar?
but certainly not B, C or D, right?
apabila kita hanya memakai label A,B,C dan D
if we just had some A, B, C and D labels
akhirnya menjatuhkan rezim itu, dan ini, tentu saja, disebut "coup de text" (permainan kata-kata dari "coup d'etat" yang berarti kudeta)
eventually brought it down and it was, of course, called the "coup de text." (Laughter)
sebagai R&D, penelitian dan pengembangan.
would call R&D, or research and development.
Namun kami menyebutnya R&D-I-Y,
But what we call it is R&D-I-Y,
Dan kami melihat bahwa R&D-I-Y
And what we're seeing is that R&D-I-Y
Saya seorang mahasiswa Ph.D
I am a Ph.D. student
Kita melihatnya di setiap saat.
We see it at the all the time.
Saat itu dia sedang kuliah di di Stanford.
About that time he was at the at Stanford taking classes.
dan kami melihatnya setiap saat di dan IDEO --
and we see it all the time at the and at IDEO --
seorang pelukis di Washington D.C.
a painter in Washington D.C.,
dalam sebuah konferensi kesehatan di Washington D.C.
at a health care conference in D.C.
Sebagai penyegaran singkat, D.Y.K.E.
Just quick refresher, it's D-Y-K-E.
dan dia ingin jadi Ph.D.,
and he wants a Ph.D.,
adalah mahasiswa Ph.D lain di lab saya
was another Ph.D. student in my lab
di jalan-jalan di Washington, D.C.,
on the streets of Washington, D.C.,
bukan hanya yang ber-cap Washington, D.C.,
not just with postmarks from Washington, D.C.,
Jadi saya telah diberikan nama-nama. Huruf-huruf besar, A,B,C,D,E,F,
So I've given names. The capital letters, A, B, C, D, E, F,
putaran D, setengah putaran.
it's rotation D, half a turn.
Nada sederhana dari tiga nada -- T, E, D.
A very simple tune based on three notes -- T, E, D.
Jika saya menyanyikan nada musik, A, B, C, D, E, F, G --
If I sing you a musical scale: A, B, C, D, E, F, G --
T, E, D sama dengan F, E, D.
So T, E, D is the same as F, E, D.
Kita akan menyanyikan ketiga nada mengagumkan ini: T, E, D.
We're going to sing those three wonderful notes: T, E, D.
Penonton: T, E, D.
Audience: T, E, D.
T, E, D.
T, E, D.
Penonton: T, E, D.
Audience: T, E, D.
CH: Sekali lagi dengan semangat. (Penonton: T, E, D.)
CH: Once more with vim. (Audience: T, E, D.)
D: Michael, apa pendapat Anda tentang kisah manusia? Apakah Anda tertarik?
D: Michael, what's your take on the people story? Are you interested?
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