Indonesian to English
di hadapan in the presence of
di hadapan
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diin, at, on
hadapanfront, future, presence

Related Word(s)

above, ahead, awaiting, before, behind, beyond, butt, die, face, hide, presence, smitten, toward, wilt


Tetapi saya berdiri di hadapan Anda pada hari ini
But I stand before you today
di hadapan sebuah jemaat, saya kadang melihat
congregations about compassion, I sometimes see
Mereka berpikiran terbuka di hadapan ketidakjelasan.
They are open-minded in the face of ambiguity.
bagi saya untuk berdiri di hadapan Anda sekalian hari ini.
it is for me to be standing before you today.
Kini mencari sesuatu agar lenyap di hadapan kebijaksanaan konvensional.
Now that finding flew in the face of conventional wisdom.
hal itu lenyap di hadapan kebijaksanaan konvensional.
It flew in the face of conventional wisdom,
orang yang, di hadapan segala kerumitan dunia,
people who, in the face of an incredibly complicated world,
dengan yo-yo di hadapan Anda.
with the yo-yo in front of you.
Tantangan yang besar yang ada di hadapan kita.
The big challenge in front of us.
Dan saat kita menghadapi masalah besar di hadapan kita,
And when we have overwhelming problems in front of us,
"Jika ingin kebenaran tegak jelas di hadapan Anda, jangan pernah membela ataupun memusuhinya,
"If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against.
di hadapan kita?
before us?
di hadapan kita.
out there in front of us.
Di histogram di hadapan Anda sekarang,
In the histogram before you now,
ketika itu saya memberikan ceramah di hadapan sekelompok wirausahawan dari seluruh dunia
And it was a speaking event in front of groups of entrepreneurs from around the world.
Saya berdiri di hadapan Anda saat ini
I'm standing in front of you today
Istilah biologinya ada di hadapan anda semua.
The botanical names are in front of you.
di hadapan semesta yang sama sekali tidak peduli.
in face of, frankly, a fairly indifferent universe.
Di hadapan Facebook,
In front of Facebook,
Di hadapan Al Jazeera,
In front of Al Jazeera,
Dan mereka berdiri di hadapan Tuhan dan keluarga
And they'll stand before God and family
di hadapan seluruh dunia.
to the rest of the world
Di hadapan maut dan kehancuran
In the face of death and destruction,
dan yang ada di hadapan kita.
and what's in front of us.
dan seorang dokter lain di hadapan saya.
and another doctor across from me.
Di hadapan Anda adalah jumlah penduduk berusia 15-24 tahun
I'm showing you the number of 15- to 24-year-olds
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