Indonesian to English
di pantai on shore
di pantai
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diin, at, on
pantaibeach, coast

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dan saya berdiri di pantai
and I was standing on the beaches
Terumbu karang di pantai utara Jamaika
The coral reefs of the north coast of Jamaica
di pantai barat Florida.
on the west coast of Florida.
letaknya di pantai Siberia.
it's on the Siberian coast,
Saya pergi berjalan-jalan di pantai,
I went for a walk on the beach,
Saya hidup di pantai timur Amerika Utara ketika saya tidak bepergian.
I live in the Eastern Seaboard of North America when I'm not traveling.
di pantai Malaysia
off the Malaysian coast
Aku tumbuh di pantai Inggris
I grew up on the coast of England
atau saat dia berada di pantai, seringkali dia akan
or she's on the beach, every so often she's going to start
di pantai asalnya
on its home shores,
saya akan menerima tawaran pekerjaan di pantai barat
I would take this job in the West Coast.
letaknya di pantai timur dari benua itu --
It's an island off the east coast of that continent --
dan juga kurang lebih di pantai timur Amerika Utara.
and also the east coast of North America fairly well.
bahwa dia masih hidup dengan baik di pantai Australia.
it was living and doing just fine off the coast of Australia.
dari ganggang di pantai yang tidak jauh dari sini.
from some algae on the beach not far from here.
yang tetap terdampar di pantai kemiskinan.
who remain washed up on the shores of poverty.
di pantai mana saja,
just on any of the beaches,
pada bukit pasir di pantai.
with sand dunes on a beach.
dengan sudut kemiringan berapa pun di pantai,
of any slope angle in a beach,
menyaksikan rekan-rekan saya mati di pantai dan hutan yang terlihat dan terasa
watched my cohorts die on beaches and woods that look and feel
Perjalanan dari stasiun cuaca kecil di pantai utara Siberia
The journey from a small weather station on the north coast
di tepi es, di pantai Samudera Arktik
the edge of the pack ice, the coast of the Arctic Ocean,
dan di Pantai Barat Amerika Serikat,
and in the West Coast of the USA.
Inilah pertama kalinya bebek itu ada di pantai barat Amerika.
This is its first time on the U.S. West Coast.
di pantai Antartika.
on the coast of Antarctica.
di Pantai Selatan Inggris,
on the south coast of England,
Ada jenis burung lain yang disukai orang di pantai timur, disebut ayam padang rumput.
There was a bird that people liked on the East Coast called the heath hen.
Sekarang, sampah-sampahnya sampai di pantai Hawaii
Now, when the debris washes up on the beaches of Hawaii
di lepas pantai Santorini, di mana orang-orang berjemur di pantai.
working off Santorini, where people are sunning themselves on the beach,
Ada sekitar 2 juta orang di Pantai Copacabana.
There's like two million people on Copacabana Beach.
Empat tahun lalu saya sedang ada di pantai dengan anak saya,
Four years ago, I was at the beach with my son,
di kawasan yang tidak terlalu berombak di pantai Delaware.
in this relatively soft surf of the Delaware beaches.
pengalengan terbesar di pantai barat.
canning operation on the west coast.
Ini adalah dua gambar dari ombak merah di pantai
These are two shots of a red tide coming on shore here
Maksud saya, pers di Pantai Gading terbagi.
I mean, the press in Ivory Coast was bitterly divided --
dari semua tempat di Pantai Gading.
from all sides in Ivory Coast.
mengenai krisis politik di Pantai Gading.
of political crisis in Ivory Coast.
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