Indonesian to English
di samping beside
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dan duduk di samping pohon tua berumur 400 tahun dan tertidur.
and sat up beside this 400-year-old culturally modified tree and went to sleep.
di samping dampak ilmiah.
as well as scientific impact.
bukan orang yang duduk di samping Anda.
not the person who is sitting next to you.
kotoran dari got dan sampah di samping rumah-rumah kecilnya.
raw sewage and the garbage alongside the little homes.
duduk di samping
sitting sideways,
di samping bebatuan, ada tumbuhan
immediately after the stones, the plants
ini saya duduk di samping istri saya --
here's me sitting next to my wife --
dan saya memperkenalkan diri kepada orang di samping saya
and I introduced myself to my seatmate, and told them what I did,
di samping seorang fisikawan Hungaria seumuran saya
next to a Hungarian physicist about my age
Saya memakai kruk, dan istri saya ada di samping saya,
I was on crutches, my wife was next to me,
yang tercantum di samping Lonceng Kebebasan,
on the side of the Liberty Bell,
berdiri di samping sesuatu.
simply to stand to the side of something.
Saya sedang duduk di samping Nelson Mandela -- Saya mendapatkan kehormatan besar atas itu --
I was sitting next to Nelson Mandela -- I was very privileged to do so --
Di samping foto tersebut ada informasi tentang hidupnya.
Beside that photograph there is the information about his life.
Di samping itu, mereka punya kecakapan moral untuk menentukan arti "berbuat baik".
And beyond this, they have the moral skill to figure out what "doing right" means.
Dan dia berpikir, "Kalau di samping setiap kotak sereal
And she thought, "You know, if I have a nutrition facts label
Di samping wujud partikel Higgs yang sudah dikenal,
Besides the known Higgs state,
ini adalah lempengan atap tergantung di samping bangunan --
that's a roof slab hanging off the building --
dan duduk di samping orang bernama Joshua David,
and sat next to another guy named Joshua David,
di samping traktor, hal yang sudah jelas
next door to the diggers, which is obviously
Dan saya sedang duduk di samping ranjang ayah saya di rumah sakit
And I am sitting by my father's bedside in hospital,
duduk di samping tempat tidur,
sat on the corner of the bed,
Dan, di samping kenaikan produksi radikal,
And, aside from the radically increased production
adalah siapa yang duduk di samping saya -
was who I was sitting next to --
saya duduk di samping seorang pria Birma,
I was sitting next to a Burmese guy,
Di samping itu makanan mengandung mikronutrisi dan makronutrisi yang mereka butuhkan
but it also gives them the micronutrients and the macronutrients they need
bahwa Anda sedang berdiri di samping kandang sapi
that you are standing next to a cow shed
datang dan berdiri di samping kami?"
are coming here to stand beside us?"
tahun-tahun yang mereka habiskan di samping perairan Babilonia,
the years they'd spent sitting by the waters of Babylon,
Tetapi di samping sistem ini,
But apart from this system,
di samping sebuah botol berisi pil dengan pulpen dan kertas di tangan saya
beside a bottle of pills with a pen and paper in my hand
Saya yang lebih muda, berada di samping.
I'm the younger one there, to the side.
Namun di samping kesamaan ini, perilaku menabungnya sangat berbeda.
Despite all of these similarities, we see huge differences in savings behavior.
dimana anak-anak yang tinggal di rumah-rumah kecil di samping tempat ini
where the kids that live in a poor house next to this place
Kemudian di samping itu, babi transgenik, babi yang mengagumkan
And then in addition, transgenic pigs, knockout pigs,
di samping semua spiritualitas,
besides all the spirituality,
semua yang pernah bangun di samping Anda,
everyone that's ever woken up beside you,
Dan karena Taman Union Square tepat ada di samping stasiun kereta,
And because it was in Union Square Park, right by a subway station,
bekerja di samping para lebah madu itu --
working alongside that bumblebee,
di samping, anda tahu, berita menghibur tentang keinginan manusia.
besides some entertaining insights about human desire.
dan dia melihat bahwa di samping wadah kopi
and finds by the coffee a pot
atau bagi model produksi baru untuk berkembang di samping model industri yang sudah ada,
or for the new model of production to begin to develop alongside that industrial model,
Saya duduk di samping arang kremasi beliau dan menulis.
I sat by his funeral pyre and wrote.
Anda tahu, orang yang duduk di samping Anda -- baiklah karena Anda ada di dalam gedung teater
You know, someone sitting next to you in a seat -- that's OK because you're in a theater,
yang akan -- di samping semua informasi teks --
that will -- in addition to all the textual information,
di samping bahan-bahan pendidikan lainnya --
in addition to all the didactic stuff --
Sebagai penutup, di samping itu
So beyond that, in closing,
dari kelumpuhan, di samping kondisi seperti
of disability, alongside conditions such as
dia bisa memangkas rambut Anda -- di samping pendek, di belakang panjang --
he would give you a haircut -- short on the sides, long in the back --
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