Indonesian to English
e 1.the 5th letter of the alphabet. 2. Ha ! emphatic particle. 3. Hey ! interjection to attact attention or to express astonishment.
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e-e(child language) doo-doo, feces.
e-e-eSay ! interjection of amazement or of being amusingly offended.
ebamporcelain pot with lid
ebansee HEBAN.
ebangsee BANG 2.
ebengseee IBING.
ebidried shrimps
ebohsee HEBOH.
ebomsee BOM 1.
eborsee BOR.
ebrotwo- or four-wheeled carriage.
ec.(ekonomi) economics (used in academic degrees).
ecemake a fool of, kid, make fun of
eceankidding, fooling
ecekapparently, outwardly

Related Word(s)

einstein, f, h, inside, procession


tentang sebuah e-mail yang saya terima
about an email that I received
E-mail tersebut berasal dari seorang pria bernama Chris Croy, yang belum pernah saya kenal.
It's from a man named Chris Croy, who I'd never heard of.
mengganti sebuah I dengan E, atau sebuah C dengan T.
substitute an I for an E, or a C for a T.
tentang mengapa banyak proyek "e-health" gagal.
about why many e-health projects fail.
tetapi kebanyakan proyek e-health gagal,
but most of the e-health projects fail,
Dia seorang CEO sebuah e-venture yang sukses --
She was CEO of a successful e-venture --
kemudian kembali dan membunuh E. coli.
and came back and killed the E. coli.
mereka tidak mau lagi tumbuh dengan mudah di E. coli.
they won't any longer grow readily in E. coli --
Jadi telepon dan e-mail berdatangan dari New York Times.
So flurry of phone calls and emails from The New York Times.
Dan dia menjawab "a penis" (artinya penis bunyinya "e pines")
And she answered, "A penis."
Apa yang kita semua sangat inginkan adalah "e pines"
what we all most desire is a penis --
Jika Anda memainkan E.
If you played an E.
Kami tinggal di jalan Robert E. Lee.
We lived on Robert E. Lee Boulevard.
Ada beberapa pemikiran. Ada E. Mungkin I. Mungkin A,
Now there's several thoughts. There's E. It could be I. It could be A,
dari pertanian yang menghasilkan E. coli, atau limbah lain,
from a farm that's producing E. coli, or other wastes,
Lalu saya menemukan pergerakan e-patient --
And what I then found out about what's called the e-Patient movement --
saya mengganti nama menjadi "e-Patient Dave."
I just renamed myself e-Patient Dave.
Dan dia memperkenalkan kata e-Patient --
And he coined this term e-Patients --
dan dia menulis lagu rap e-Patient.
and he wrote the e-Patient rap.
? Saya ingin menjadi e-Patient seperti Dave ?
? I want to be an e-Patient just like Dave ?
Sebagai penyegaran singkat, D.Y.K.E.
Just quick refresher, it's D-Y-K-E.
Informasi bisa datang lewat e-mail,
We get information in the mail,
E: Halo, sayang.
E: Hi, sweetheart.
E: Ya Tuhan! Ya Tuhan! Ya Tuhan!
E: Oh, my God! My God! My God!
E; {Suara kapal luar angkasa]
E: [Spaceship noise]
E: [Suara laser]
E: [Laser noise]
E: Wheeeeeee! Byur.
E: Wheeeeeee! [Splat]
E: Aduh, aduh, aduh.
E: Ow, ow, ow.
E: {Mengangguk] (Tawa)
E: [Bobbing head] (Laughter)
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Einstein: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
E: [Kuak]
E: [Operatic squawk]
E; La, la.
E: La, la.
E: Ada apa?
E: What's the matter?
E: [Suara air]
E: [Water sound]
E: Halo, sayang.
E: Hey, baby.
E: Yiha.
E: Yee haw.
E: Selamat ulang tahun.
E: Happy birthday to you.
E: Selamat ulang tahun.
E: Happy birthday to you.
E: Selamat ulang tahun.
E: Happy birthday to you.
E: Selamat ulang tahun.
E: Happy birthday to you.
E: Kikuk, kikuk.
E: Woo, woo, woo.
E: Cit, cit, cit.
E: Tweet, tweet, tweet.
E: Kwek, kwek, kwek.
E: Quack, quack, quack.
E: Uh, uh, uh, ah, ah, ah.
E: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Aah, aah, aah.
E: Nguik, nguik, nguik.
E: Oink, oink, oink.
E: Mega bintang.
E: Superstar.
E: Saya spesial.
E: I'm special.
E: Aku mencintaimu.
E: I love you.
E: {Suara mencium]
E: [Kissing noise]
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