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hutan tropis tropical forest
hutan tropis
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hutanwoods, forest


mengenai beruang kecil yang hidup di hutan tropis Great Bear.
but it's of a little bear that lives in the Great Bear Rainforest.
sebagai hutan tropis,
as a rainforest,
untuk mencoba memperlambat hilangnya hutan tropis kita
to try to slow down our losses of tropical forests,
di hutan tropis dengan sangat rinci.
of tropical forests in utter detail.
Warna merah sudah jelas menunjukkan hutan tropis berkanopi tertutup
The red shows, obviously, closed-canopy tropical forest,
pada hutan tropis.
on tropical forests.
Hutan-hutan tropis bermunculan, memercikkan lapisan-lapisan ketergantungan.
Tropical rainforests arose, sparking new layers of interdependence.
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