Indonesian to English
itulah sebabnya that is the cause
itulah sebabnya
please wait
by Xamux Translate
itulahso that is the


Dan itulah sebabnya, bulan depan di Maroko,
And that's why, next month in Morocco,
Dan itulah sebabnya yang membuat saya bersemangat,
And that's why what I'm excited about,
dan itulah sebabnya mengapa kita seharusnya mengabaikan kompleksitas Ketuhanan.
and why we should abandon the God complex.
Itulah sebabnya saya ingin menunjukkan hal ini.
That's why I have one last thing I want to show you.
Dan itulah sebabnya hal ini merupakan bentuk altruisme yang paling kuat
And that's why it's the most powerful form of altruism.
itulah sebabnya rentang yang ada sangat luas.
which is why you find them in the very high range.
Itulah sebabnya kami memasang penayangnya tinggi di atas,
That's why we put the display up high,
Itulah sebabnya aku menganggap gambar ini hanya
which is why I think this image just
mungkin itulah sebabnya pemerintah dan perusahaan
maybe that's why governments and corporations
dan itulah sebabnya saya membawanya ke sini untuk kalian lihat.
and that's why I wanted to bring it here for you guys to see.
Dan itulah sebabnya saya berbicara tentang
And that's why I talk about the need
dan itulah sebabnya kita punya kulkas, AC,
and that's why we have refrigerators, air-conditioning,
Jadi itulah sebabnya saya mulai bekerja di daerah-daerah bencana.
So that is why I started working in disaster areas.
Itulah sebabnya seseorang berusia 65 tahun
That's why a 65-year-old person
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