Indonesian to English
kampus campus
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area, campus, campuses, college, colleges, schools, setia, universities, university


hampir 70% populasi kampus
that we may be getting close to 70 percent
Hal ini membuat pengelola kampus merasa khawatir,
This makes university administrators very nervous,
sebab mahasiswi tidak mau kuliah di kampus yang tak memiliki mahasiswa.
because girls don't want to go to schools that don't have boys.
Saya ingin melihat piagam ini di tiap kampus, gereja, masjid, sinagog, di seluruh dunia,
I'd like to see it in every college, every church, every mosque, every synagogue in the world,
dan saya telah keluar masuk kampus.
and I had been dropping in and out of college.
di sekitar kampus seperti Brown seorang diri.
move around a campus like Brown on my own.
Saya adalah satu dari sedikit anak di kampus yang memiliki alasan
I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason
sampai seorang wanita datang terburu-buru ke kampus
until a woman came rushing across the campus
Lalu saya kembali ke kampus
So I went back to my college
Tapi ketika Max anak saya tumbuh besar di sebuah kota kampus liberal,
But as my son, Max, grows up in a liberal college town,
dapat beasiswa kampus atau prestasi olah raga lainnya
winning my college scholarship, or any of my sports victories,
seperti sekolah, kampus, rumah sakit,
schools, colleges, hospitals --
Suara 3: Sur les Champs-Élysées, Paris. Suara 4:Di kampus, U.C Berkeley
Voice 3: Sur les Champs-Élysées, à Paris. Voice 4: In college, at U.C. Berkeley.
Saya suka berbicara di kampus-kampus
I love to speak on college campuses
melakukan penelitian di mana mereka menangkap gagak di dalam kampus.
were doing an experiment where they captured some crows on campus.
kapanpun siswa-siswa itu berjalan di sekitar kampus,
whenever these particular students walked around campus,
Hingga akhirnya mereka lulus dan meninggalkan kampus --
Until they finally graduated and left campus,
Di kampus, kita punya inflasi harga di tingkat pendidikan lanjut
In college, we've got cost inflation in higher education
Suatu pagi di Vancouver, kami berjalan sekeliling kampus
On one Vancouver morning, we went out on the campus
kampus EPFL.
of the EPFL campus.
ke kampus khusus perempuan di Boston, lalu Michigan.
to a women's college in Boston, then Michigan.
Novel saya ini berlatar belakang sebuah kampus di Boston,
Now the novel took place on a university campus in Boston,
Ketika saya mahasiswa, itu ada di kampus. Sekarang itu ada di kantong kita.
When I was a student it was across campus, now it's in our pockets.
Kamu mendapat pendidikan di sekolah dan kampus paling mahal di India
You went to the most expensive school and college in India,
kampus hanya untuk orang-orang miskin
college only for the poor.
dan akan terlihat lewat kampus itu.
would be reflected in the college.
Apa yang penting bagi orang-orang miskin, akan terlihat di kampus ini."
What the poor thought was important would be reflected in the college."
untuk dapat datang ke kampus kami
to come to our college.
Jadi kami membangun Kampus Barefoot pertama
So we built the first Barefoot College
Kampus itu dibangun oleh 12 orang arsitek Barefoot
It was built by 12 Barefoot architects
tetapi para arsitek Barefoot itu benar-benar membangun kampus itu."
but the Barefoot architects actually constructed the college."
Tempat ini adalah satu-satunya kampus
It's the only college
Jika kita mengalami musim kering selama empat tahun, kita masih memiliki air di kampus,
If we have four years of drought, we still have water on the campus,
saat pergi ke kampus."
on my way to class."
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