Indonesian to English
kebersamaan togetherness.
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affectionate closeness
sayang kedekatan
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

benefit, common, commons, community, companionable, companionship, together, togetherness


Di masa depan, hanya akan ada hal itu, kebersamaan.
In the shared future, it will be just that, shared.
Waktu kebersamaan yang paling terfokus ini
This very focused time we get to spend together
dan kebersamaan lokal bertetangga.
and local, small-scale neighborhoods.
masih saling menikmati kebersamaan mereka
will even still be enjoying each others' company
dan menyelamatkannya dari komunitarianisme, kebersamaan
and saved it from the communitarianism, the collectivism
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