Indonesian to English
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  1. determinasi
    (pemastian, pembatasan, penentuan, kesimpulan, kesudahan, ketentuan, ketetapan, konklusi, resolusi)
  2. kepastian
  3. keputusan
  4. ketetapan
  5. resolusi
  6. garis
  7. kadar
  8. suratan (nasib)
  9. takdir
  10. tulisan nasib
  11. syarat
  12. tuntutan
ketentuan administratifadministrative provision
ketentuan alienasi biaya amortisasialienation clause amortization expense
ketentuan dasarbasic rule
ketentuan ganti rugipenalty clause
ketentuan harus diterimafait accompli
ketentuan hukumlegal requirement
ketentuan hukum yang bisa diterapkanapplicable law
ketentuan kontrakcondition of contract
ketentuan pembangunanbuilding regulation
ketentuan penilaian pajakassessment for tax
ketentuan resmian officially laid down
ketentuan tentang kesehatanhigiene laws
ketentuan umumdefined regulation
ketentuan-ketentuanthe rules of

Related Word(s)

about, activities, afflicted, against, allocation, already, amount, applicable, approved, arrangement, ate, been, befalls, bolts, bounds, brother, command, conditions, conscious, consistent, covenants, decide, decisions, decree, decreed, design, determined


karena dalam ketentuan kita Cina tentu tidak memiliki demokrasi.
because in our terms the Chinese certainly don't have a democracy.
Begini, ada satu ketentuan.
Well, there is one proviso.
Sang kurator hanya memiliki satu ketentuan:
The curator had only one condition:
beranggapan bahwa ketentuan hukuman tersebut tak masuk akal.
thought that this made no sense.
Dia menuntut agar Michael dihukum sesuai dengan ketentuan
And he asked for the mandatory minimum sentence
Dia menjaga hukum dan ketentuan,
He maintains law and order,
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