Indonesian to English
khalayak creature, the public
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by Xamux Translate


  1. kelimun
    (kelompok, keramaian, kerubungan, kerumunan, khalayak)
  2. keramaian
  3. kerubungan
  4. kerumunan
  5. massa
  6. publik
  7. sidang

Related Word(s)

audience, audiences, common, multitude, people, society


mereka membuat versi Ngram Viewer untuk khalayak umum.
they coded up a version of the Ngram Viewer for the general public.
Lebih bijaksana untuk berbicara ke khalayak ramai.
It's the sensible shoe of public address.
lalu kami siarkan ke khalayak umum.
release it to the public
atau tentunya untuk khalayak umum
or indeed to society at large,
penelitian baru ini ke khalayak ramai?
this new research to a large audience?
ketika listrik baru mulai diterima khalayak,
when electricity was first becoming common,
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