Indonesian to English
koboi cowboy
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cowboy, cowboys


pada topi koboi hitam.
of black cowboy hats.
Ia disiksa oleh seseorang yang memakai topi koboi hitam.
He'd been abused by somebody with a black cowboy hat.
Topi koboi putih, tidak masalah.
White cowboy hats, that was absolutely fine.
yang tampak seperti sepasang pintu bar di dunia koboi.
looks like a pair of saloon doors in the wild west.
dan dia lalu dikenal sebagai "Koboi Bagian Barat."
and he became known as the "West Side Cowboy."
Namun walau dengan adanya koboi,
But even with a cowboy,
koboi yang masih aktif, memulai hari dengan berenang.
an active cowboy, starts his morning with a swim.
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