Indonesian to English
konon they say
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  1. kabarnya
  2. katanya
  3. barangkali
  4. mungkin
  5. rasanya
  6. rupanya
  7. agaknya
  8. gerangan
  9. pula
konon khabarnyaget abroad

Related Word(s)

allegedly, purportedly, reputedly, supposedly


Konon, ilmu pengetahuan menyatakan
Supposedly, science is stating
Konon rumput di sebarang pagar
It is said that the grass is always greener
Konon mereka yang paling mampu menjadi manusia biadab di atas bumi ini
I've heard it said that the most dangerous animal on the planet
Konon di Romawi Kuno saat Cicero berpidato kepada para penontonnya,
It is said that in Ancient Rome that when Cicero spoke to his audiences,
konon semua Guru Sufi menguasai telepati.
Sufi masters are all telepaths, so they say.
konon bukan asli, sudah diedit --
has the suspicious taint of being rigged about it --
Bahkan, konon dalam kesadaran kolektif Afrika,
In fact, it is said that in the collective consciousness of Africa,
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