Indonesian to English
kuliah university
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  1. pelajaran
    (bidang, disiplin, ilmu, kajian, kursus, pengajian, pengetahuan)
  2. pendidikan
  3. belajar

Related Word(s)

came, college, course, lecture, lectures, lecturing, major, school, study, tuition, tuitions


saya masih kuliah,
I'm in college,
sebab mahasiswi tidak mau kuliah di kampus yang tak memiliki mahasiswa.
because girls don't want to go to schools that don't have boys.
meskipun topik kuliah
that while the subject matter
mata kuliah kami di Stanford,
in quality to our Stanford class,
belum selesai mempersiapkan mata kuliah ini. (Tawa)
hadn't finished preparing the class yet. (Laughter)
rekaman kuliah sepanjang satu jam
to record an hour-long lecture
lebih seperti kelas kuliah tradisional
much more like a traditional college class
Sebastian mengajar mata kuliah lain sekarang.
Sebastian's teaching another class now.
dan yang lainnya juga akan berisi kelas-kelas mata kuliah lain.
and others have more classes coming.
Ah ya....masa-masa kuliah,
Ah yes, those university days,
Tidak ada yang lebih seksi daripada Spence saat kuliah,
Didn't get much sexier than the Spence
Malah, setelah kuliah
In fact, after college
dan mencari buku teks kuliah metalurgi --
and was looking through the undergraduate textbooks on metallurgy --
Dan saya dapat kembali kuliah
And I was able to return to college
sebelum akhir tahun pertama kuliah.
by the end of their freshman year of college.
Ini bukan kuliah, bukan pelajaran
It's not a lecture, it's not a course,
Bayangkan Anda memberikan kuliah
Imagine giving a lecture
dan kuliah itu langsung dapat dibicarakan dalam bahasa ibu para pendengar.
and being able to talk to people in their own native language simultaneously.
di mana saat dokter bedah memberikan kuliah
where when the surgeon delivers the lecture
dan kuliah itu menjadi Bahasa Spanyol..
and out it comes in real time in Spanish.
Anda dapat mendapat kuliah dalam Bahasa Mandarin atau Bahasa Rusia --
you could get it in Mandarin or you could get it in Russian --
tidak ada mata kuliah bintang pop 101,
that there was not a Pop Star 101,
Dan ketika saya pindah ke New York City setelah kuliah
And so when I moved to New York City after college
memperbolehkan kuliah setelah berada 2 tahun di SMA.
let you in after two years of high school.
dari segi kristalografi sinar-X. Dan kristalografi sinar-X adalah mata kuliah baru
for x-ray crystallography. And x-ray crystallography is now a subject
Ia bekerja untuk kuliah.
She's working her way through college.
Kita sedang belajar tentang esai kuliah. Tolong kirim mereka."
We're working on our college essays. Send them in."
"Anak saya kuliah karena bukumu,
"My kid went to college because of your book,
Saya meninggalkan Bellevue, kuliah di jurusan bisnis dan memulai hal ini.
I left Bellevue, went to business school and started this.
adalah bahwa saya memberi kuliah di jurusan kedokteran Universitas Kuwait --
is that I gave a lecture at the medical school at Kuwait University,
saat bermain sepakbola sewaktu kuliah.
playing soccer in college.
CA: OK, terimakasih banyak atas kuliah anda. Terima kasih.
CA: All right. Well, thank you so much for your talk. Thank you. (Applause)
dan pindah ke New York pada tahun 1999 untuk kuliah.
and moved to New York City in 1999 to attend college.
Saya kuliah di fakultas kedokteran
I was pre-med at the time,
dan saat kuliah di program pascasarjana saya menjadi tertarik
and in grad school I became interested
untuk sebuah kuliah tentang kesehatan publik.
of a public health course.
Kuliahnya bagus, tapi bukanlah isi dari kuliah
The course was good, but it was not the course content
Saya selalu berada di ranking seperempat teratas di tiap mata kuliah yang saya ambil.
I used to be in the upper quarter of all courses I attended.
Jadi saya akan menghentikan kuliah ini.
Okay? So I stopped giving the lecture.
Saat itu dia sedang kuliah di di Stanford.
About that time he was at the at Stanford taking classes.
Saya baru masuk kuliah,
I was a freshman in college,
atau bahkan dari mengambil mata kuliah pilihan
or even from taking non-required courses in science
Saya tidak mendapat aljabar sampai kuliah tingkat pertama
I didn't take algebra until my freshman year
dan berpikir kalau saya tidak lulus kuliah bukan berarti saya bodoh,
and though I did not graduate from college doesn't mean I'm stupid,
setelah kuliah saya.
after one of my lectures reported a story,
menawarkan kuliah tentang video game.
teaching video game courses.
Ini foto yang sangat keren, mahasiswa datang ke sekolah setelah kuliah berakhir.
DP: This is just a cool shot, because this is students coming to school after class.
50 tahun lalu, dia memberikan serangkaian kuliah berbeda.
50 years ago, he gave a series of a bunch of different lectures.
Dia memberikan kuliah populer
He gave the popular lectures
Dia memberikan kuliah kepada mahasiswa sarjana Caltech
He gave lectures to Caltech undergrads
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