Indonesian to English
melempar throw, dispose of
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melempar batustoned
melempar kesalahanplace blame
melempar-lemparkanthrew around
melemparkanthrow, hurl
melemparkan badan . ke depanthrust forward
melemparkan badan ke mukathrust one's self forward
melemparkan dirithrew one's self
melemparkan jauh-jauhthrew wide
melemparkan kemana-manathrow around
melemparkan kembalicast back

Related Word(s)

against, cast, casting, either, favour, himself, hit, hurling, launched, lobbed, lobbing, pelt, pelted, pitching, pull, roll, showered, slinging, smite, smote, stone, stoning, strike, though, threw, throw, throwing, thrown, throws, toss, tossed, tosses


melempar kail dan kait ke air
throw a lot of hooks and lines into the water,
Yep, anda menebaknya. Dia melempar bola tenis
Yep, you guessed it. He threw tennis balls
Jadi mereka memasang peta di dinding, melempar anak panah,
So they basically put a map up on the wall, threw a dart,
melempar bajunya seperti seseorang mengharapkan baju itu.
throws his shirt as though somebody is waiting for it.
melempar bom Molotov,
throwing Molotov cocktails,
Mereka melempar batu ke arah saya,
they actually threw stones at me,
Namun beralih dari melempar kabel
But going from slinging some wire
Jika saya melempar koin 100 kali
If I flipped a coin 100 times but then
Sehingga walaupun Anda melempar 1 juta benda ini keluar dari orbit,
So even if you flung a million of these things out of orbit,
Lalu kami memiliki permainan ular tangga, di mana anda melempar dadu.
And then we had a snakes and ladders game, where you throw dice.
salah seorang penjaga melempar granat ke dalam toilet
one of the guards threw a grenade into the prisoners' lavatory
bulan berikutnya sebelum NASDAQ meledak, yg melempar saya kedalam 18 bulan neraka bisnis.
the next month before NASDAQ exploded, and I entered 18 months of business hell.
Dan tak lama kemudian mereka mulai melempar kerikil dan batu kepada ia --
And then pretty soon they started throwing rocks and stones at him --
bisa melempar mainan ini sampai ke atas panggung.
can actually get those things onto the stage.
Saya mau melihat berapa banyak dari kamu bisa melempar sampai ke atas panggung.
I want to see how many of you can get these things on the stage.
dan menggunakan anda, melempar anda.
and use you, throw you.
Melakukan crowdsourcing (melempar ke publik) terhadap informasi ini.
is crowdsourcing this information.
dan seharusnya kita tidak melempar mereka ke penjara
and that we should not be throwing in jail
dan dia melempar Big Mac dingin ke wajah saya.
and he threw a cold Big Mac in my face.
itulah pengalaman saya soal melempar batu, dan itu memungkinkan saya
So that was my experience stoning, and it did allow me
dan mulai mematahkan rantingnya dan melempar batu
and starts to break branches and throw rocks
dan kami melempar jala kami sedikit lebih luas.
and casting our net just a little bit wider.
dan saling melempar kue ke wajah pasangannya dan menari "Macarena,"
and smash cake in each others' faces and do the "Macarena,"
"Kita bisa melempar beberapa orang ke laut
"We can either put some people in the water
Dia melempar rekan utamanya ke lantai.
He throws the first mate to the ground.
jadi aku dapat melempar ini ke sana.
so I can pull this from there to there.
melempar buku-buku Rumi ke dalam air
was to toss Rumi's books into water
dan hal-hal seperti melempar granat, merawat dan memelihara senjata.
and things like grenade toss and weapons care and maintenance.
melempar granat Taliban
throwing a Taliban hand grenade
orang-orang dalam rumah kaca sebaiknya tidak melempar batu.
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
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