Indonesian to English
menghadapi face, be up against
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  1. berjumpa
    (bersua, bertembung, bertemu, berpapakan, berpapasan, bersomplokan, bersongsong, ketemuan)
  2. bertemu
  3. melawan
  4. memaksudkan
  5. membangkang
  6. membantah
  7. menagak
  8. menahan
  9. menempuh
  10. menemui
  11. menentang
  12. mengalami
  13. menghadang
  14. menjelang
  15. menjumpai
  16. menuju
  17. menyambut
  18. menyongsong
  19. menampung
  20. menangkis
  21. menantang
  22. merencah
  23. bertanding
  24. melayani
  25. mengembari
menghadapi akibatnyaran a risk
menghadapi dengan kerashandle without gloves
menghadapi dg beranifaced up to
menghadapi keadaan gentingfacing the music
menghadapi kesusahan dengan gagahtake the bull by the horns
menghadapi masa datangfacing the future
menghadapi masa depanface future
menghadapi masalahface the problem
menghadapi pengadilanstand for trial
menghadapi penuh keberanianface up to
menghadapi seseorang dengan megone cap-in-hand to person
menghadapi seseorang dengan merendahkan dirigo cap-in-hand to person
menghadapi situasi dg beraniput on present a bold front
menghadapi tanpa takutfaced the music
menghadapi tantanganchallenge

Related Word(s)

about, advent, against, anticipate, anticipation, arms, at, because, befalling, before, best, bidden, calculate, come, coming, commands, concerning, confront, confronting, confronts, count, counter, countering, deal, dealing, dealt, deep, encounter, enemy


untuk menghadapi permasalahan lain yang mereka hadapi.
to deal with many of the other problems that they have to deal with --
Saya menghadapi kampanye fitnah terorganisir
I was faced with an organized defamation campaign
karena tidak menghadapi tuduhan apapun saat interogasi.
because I didn't face any charges in the interrogation.
untuk sabar menghadapi misteri, kompleksitas, ambiguitas, dan mendambakannya
to tolerate mystery, complexity, ambiguity, but hungering for them
menghadapi berbagai rintangan seperti angin dan awan
in the face of all kinds of winds and cloud cover
setelah menghadapi salah satu serangan paling ekstensif sepanjang sejarah perang,
after one of the most extensive bombings in the history of the war,
Anda menghadapi sensor, ancaman,
you're facing censorship, harassment,
saat saya menghadapi
as I was facing
Jadi kami juga menghadapi resiko
So we also face risks.
dan juga untuk menghadapi beberapa permasalahan
and also to confront some of the issues
mungkin akan menghadapi kelainan otak.
will encounter, perhaps, a brain disorder.
Lihat Ragav, itu saat dia menghadapi perubahan
And look at Ragav, that moment when his face changes
walaupun menghadapi pertentangan yang menakutkan.
despite and even in the face of daunting opposition.
Tasneem menghadapi banyak tantangan.
but he continued to pay a price.
Sebagai masyarakat dunia, kita menghadapi banyak masalah besar --
We face huge issues as a world --
menghadapi tantangan yang lebih besar daripada yang kami hadapi,
were facing much greater challenges than we did,
Dan sekarang ketika kita menghadapi kedangkalan itu
And now as we confront that shallowness
anda menghadapi badai kertas dan tulis-menulis untuk mendapatkan tunjangan atau manfaat-manfaat lainnya.
you face a blizzard of paperwork to get your benefits;
anda menghadapi badai kertas dan tulis-menulis.
you face a blizzard of paperwork.
pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan beberapa perusahaan dalam menghadapi Wikileaks.
in which the United States government and some companies have handled Wikileaks.
dalam menghadapi stres dan tekanan dalam pekerjaan.
while dealing with stress and pressures on her job.
di mana mereka akan menghadapi hukuman berat.
where they face severe punishment.
saat menghadapi fakta
confronting the fact
kami tidak biasa menghadapi pertanyaan mendasar setiap hari.
we're not used to profound questions every day.
Saya tidak bisa menghadapi ancaman apapun. Ini adalah ancaman yang besar.
I can't deal with any threat. This was a big threat.
oleh orang-orang yang menghadapi kondisi semacam itu setiap hari.
by people who face conditions like this everyday.
Saya menghadapi tantangan,
And yes, I've got a challenge,
apa yang kita perlukan untuk menghadapi pertanyaan besar ini,
what it is that we need to find to face the big question,
Tingkat pertama, tingkat tanggung jawab terlemah dalam menghadapi kekerasan
The first level, the weakest level of civil response against violence,
Kita harus menghadapi ketakutan kita dan mengambil alih jalanan kita,
We need to face our fears and take back our streets,
Kita menghadapi lawan yang sangat tangguh.
We're facing a very powerful opponent.
Sehingga kita menghadapi ancaman terhadap kelangsungan planet kita.
So we face an existential threat to the future of our planet.
Ia adalah tahun di mana dunia menghadapi
It was a year when the world faced
agar dunia tidak harus menghadapi masalah yang sama.
never again must the world have this kind of problem.
agar mereka siap menghadapi perubahan cahaya ini.
so that they would be ready for these changes in light.
untuk menghadapi 12 jam sinar matahari
to deal with 12 hours of daylight
Hal ini berlangsung sampai tahun 1970-an, saat terakhir kita menghadapi krisis energi.
That was until the 1970s, where we had the last energy crisis.
Jadi kembali ke masa sekarang. Kita masih menghadapi krisis energi
So cut to now. We still have an energy crisis,
dan sekarang kita menghadapi krisis iklim juga. Anda tahu,
and now we have a climate crisis as well. You know,
untuk menghadapi kesulitan bicara saya.
for my speaking difficulties.
dan bersiap menghadapi mereka.
and actually being prepared for them.
yang sedang menghadapi persoalan.
and he has a problem.
bahwa menghadapi tantangan, adalah menyakitkan.
that being challenged, they hurt.
bersiap untuk menghadapi musim dingin yang keras.
to prepare for the harsh realities of winter.
mereka mencoba melatih saya menghadapi media,
they tried to media-train me,
dan ketika itu saya harus menghadapi CNN
and an encounter I had with CNN
...untuk menghadapi acara ini. Saya belum pernah begitu gugup --
in anticipation for this. I've never been so nervous --
Tapi saya tahu banyak hal yang mereka harus menghadapi,
But I knew so many of the things they were up against,
dan mencoba membawa sumber daya ke lingkungan yang menghadapi kesulitan.
and to try to bring resources into struggling neighborhoods.
kemampuan kita untuk menghadapi masalah
our ability to confront the problems that we face
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