Indonesian to English
menjemput pick up, call for
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menjemput dimet at

Related Word(s)

ancestors, approaches, brought, collect, collected, comes, die, fetch, retrieve, take, up


sampai, saat itu di Somalia, menjemput wanita muda ini.
until, it was in Somalia, picking up that young girl.
Dia biasa menjemput banyak orang di sini setiap hari.
He used to pick people up here every day.
mereka berkata, "Kami akan mengirimkan supir untuk menjemput anda."
and they said, "We're going to send a driver to pick you up."
dan menjemput Harry di gerbang sekolahnya.
and picked Harry up at the school gates.
Dan bahkan ketika kami datang untuk menjemput robot ini di akhir penelitian,
And even when we would come up to pick up the robots at the end of the study,
akan berkata dia akan datang menjemput mereka pada hari Minggu untuk berjalan-jalan.
would tell them he'd come and pick them up on Sunday to go for a walk.
Kami harus menjemput kalian."
We've got to pick you up."
Kami akan menjemput Anda.
We'd like to pick you up.
dan menjemput mereka, membawa mereka kembali pulang.
and collect them, bring them back home.
ingin orang tuanya datang tepat waktu dan menjemput anak mereka
would like you to be there at the appointed hour to take your children back.
ingin sedikit kelonggaran dalam waktu menjemput anak
want a little slack to pick the kids up late.
kalau anda telat 10 menit waktu menjemput anak anda
If you pick your kid up more than 10 minutes late,
"10 shekels buat keterlembatan menjemput anak ?
"10 shekels to pick my kid up late?
dan kami menjemput tiga perempuan
and we picked three women
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