Indonesian to English
meramalkan predict, forecast, portend
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meramalkan kemungkinanextrapolate
meramalkan nasibread fortune

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accord, augur, cards, divining, expect, forebode, forecast, forecasting, forecasts, foresee, foreseeing, foreseen, foresees, foreshadowed, foretell, foretelling, foretells, foretold, portend, pray, predict, predicted, predicting, predicts, prognosticate


sembilan bulan ke depan. Jadi kita ada di bisnis meramalkan.
nine months down the road. So we're in the forecasting business.
yang saya sebut teori besar kesatuan dari meramalkan masa depan,
that I call my "grand unified theory of predicting the future,"
tapi itu dekat dengan teori kecil kesatuan dari meramalkan masa depan.
but it's closer to a petite unified theory of predicting the future.
Jika keterbukaan meramalkan siapa yang liberal,
Well, let's see now, if openness predicts who becomes liberal,
dan keterbukaan meramalkan siapa yang menjadi TEDster,
and openness predicts who becomes a TEDster,
Kita meramalkan bahwa galaksi itu ada di sebelah atas ini.
We extrapolate backwards and say the galaxy is up here.
Dan Einstein meramalkan
And Einstein foresaw
Tidak ada dari kita yang bisa meramalkan masa depan, tapi kita tahu satu hal
None of us can predict the future, but we do know one thing about it
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