Indonesian to English
mirip seperti the likes of
mirip seperti
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by Xamux Translate
sepertilike, as


mirip seperti kehidupan, dan mungkin dapat berevolusi.
more lifelike, and would perhaps evolve.
Ini mirip seperti apa yang terjadi ketika Anda
So this is similar to what happens when you
Dengan kata lain, mereka kini berbicara mirip seperti James Tooley.
In other words, they were all speaking like James Tooley.
yang mirip seperti sel surya.
that are like solar cells.
mirip seperti kalau kita sedang melakukan hubungan seksual sendiri,
it's a little like having sex,
lebih mirip seperti sebuah rendering dibandingkan rendering kami.
looked more like a rendering than our renderings.
lemparan saya jadi mirip seperti ini.
my throws became more like this.
mirip seperti level pada Hukum Moore.
at a kind of a Moore's Law-like level.
Dan sejak saat itu, saya tidak lagi melihat bahwa mirip seperti kaki manusia
And even at this point, I started to move away from the need to replicate human-ness
Jadi ini mirip seperti film Hollywood
So it's very much like in a Hollywood movie
Kesuksesan bukanlah seperti ini. Kesuksesan lebih mirip seperti ini.
It doesn't look like this; it really looks more like this.
dengan tas yang mirip seperti ini.
with a bag similar to this.
mirip seperti hubungan yang penuh gairah.
it was more like a passionate affair.
Mirip seperti TED yang sangat besar bukan?
It's like a big TED, right?
Mirip seperti desktop tradisional. Tersusun dalam kisi-kisi.
kind of -- so you get that more traditional desktop. Things are kind of grid aligned.
yang gambarnya mirip seperti ubur-ubur elektronik.
wanted to make this electronic jellyfish.
mirip seperti restoran di Amsterdam ini, yang bernama De Kas.
a bit like this one in Amsterdam called De Kas.
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