Indonesian to English
orang bodoh a poor tool
orang bodoh
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by Xamux Translate
orangperson, people in general
bodohstupid, dumb

Related Word(s)

clodpoll, coot, dullard, dunderhead, fool, fools, hardhead, moron, muggins, pinheads


? Butuh waktu bertahun-tahun untuk mengetahui bahwa kita berurusan dengan orang-orang bodoh ?
? It took us years to figure out that we was dealing with dummies ?
? Lalu, orang bodoh, menyalinnya ke iPod-mu ?
? And then, dumb man, copied it to your 'Pod ?
kami akan terlihat seperti orang-orang bodoh.
we look like a bunch of blithering idiots.
Karena itu berarti memperlakukan penonton layaknya orang bodoh.
Because this is treating your audience like a moron.
Menariknya, karena mereka bukan orang-orang bodoh.
And it was fascinating, because they were not stupid people at all.
Dan yang menjauhkan diri dari poltiik, mereka orang bodoh.
And those who shunned politics, well, they were idiots.
"Orang Bodoh dan Pahlawan",
"Pinheads and Patriots,"
Di abad ke-17, "doodle", corat-coret, artinya orang bodoh --
In the 17th century, a doodle was a simpleton or a fool --
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