Indonesian to English
penghubung s.o. or s.t. which connects.
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  1. calo
    (blantik, broker, cengkau, makelar, perantara, pialang, talang)
  2. jembatan
  3. makelar
  4. mediator
  5. penengah
  6. penyambung
  7. penyampai
  8. perantara
  9. pialang
  10. titi
  11. ulas
  12. corong
  13. kendaraan
  14. media
  15. medium
  16. saluran
penghubung garis hubunghyphenate
penghubung otomatautomatic switching device
penghubung peralatanperipheral interface
penghubung singkatshort circuiting device
penghubung telinga-dalam dengan kerongkonganeustachiantube
penghubunganconnecting, relating

Related Word(s)

blocked, bridge, conjunctive, connecting, connection, connective, connectives, connector, connectors, connects, contacting, feeder, happy, liaison, link, linker, links, snapping, sunter, these, way, ways, working


dan penghubung
and are communicators
Maksud saya, di sini ada suatu jaringan penghubung
I mean, this is the connective tissue
Penghubung organ indra perasa dengan potongan-potongan itu
The wiring from your sensory apparatus to those bits
semua ilmuwan, semua penghubung,
every scientist, every communicator,
atau modul penghubung yang memungkinkan Anda
or a connector module that would allow you to actually
yang merupakan penghubung jaringan alami.
It's natural connective tissue.
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