Indonesian to English
pernafasan breathing, respiration
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breathing, exhalation, respiration, respiratory


oleh orang-orang dengan penyakit pernafasan akut.
with people with acute respiratory distress.
Anda perlu sistem pernafasan bertekanan
You need a pressure breathing system
yang menghuni jalur pernafasan dan mulut.
that inhabited the nasal passages and mouth.
yang biasanya menghuni sistem pernafasan atas.
that normally inhabit upper respiratory systems.
namun juga otot-otot pernafasan mereka.
but also their breathing muscles.
Belalang memiliki berbagai jenis sistem pernafasan.
And grasshoppers have a different kind of breathing system.
mereka menghirup udara dan menggerakkannya melalui sistem pernafasan mereka
and they bring the air through and it moves through their system to cool them down,
Terkadang klon antar spesies mengalami kegagalan pernafasan.
Sometimes interspecies clones have respiration problems.
Sampah juga memiliki bentuk seperti sistem pernafasan atau sirkulasi.
It's also like a form of respiration or circulation.
sistem pernafasan dan sirkulasi Bumi.
Earth's respiratory and circulatory systems.
bahwa pipa pernafasan yang masuk ke tenggorokan saya
that the breathing tubes going down my throat
perubahan pada pernafasan dan metabolisme.
changes in respiration and metabolism.
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