Indonesian to English
pilar pillar.
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by Xamux Translate


  1. tiang
    (pancang, pilar, saka, tonggak, tunggul, asas, dasar, pokok, prinsip, rukun, sendi)
  2. tonggak
  3. asas
  4. basis
  5. dasar
  6. fondasi
  7. rukun
  8. sendi
pilar empat persegipilaster
a fundamental principle or practice
sebuah prinsip fundamental atau praktek
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

basis, colonnade, column, concepts, includes, pilaster, pillar, pillars, things


perempuan adalah pilar dari komunitas,
women are the pillars of their community,
Dan mereka menciptakan empat pilar pokok,
and they've actually created four essential pillars,
Jadi, pilar - pilar batu ini
So, these stone pillars
Pilar lain, pilar batu di sebelah kanan Anda.
Another pillar, stone pillar on your right side.
Dan di sinilah mulai terjadi tiga pilar (orang, planet, ekonomi)
And this is where it becomes true triple bottom line.
Dan di sinilah benar-benar terjadi tiga pilar,
And this is the true triple bottom line,
Benar-benar tiga pilar! Okay?
That's triple bottom line! Okay?
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