Indonesian to English
putri duyung mermaid
putri duyung
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duyungsee DUGONG.

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yaitu, di mana bisa saya dapatkan gambar putri duyung bersepatu roda?
which is, where can I get a picture of a roller-skating mermaid?
menyelenggarakan Parade Putri Duyung. Ini parade amatiran,
hosts the Mermaid Parade. It's an amateur parade;
Tapi saya bukan mau membicarakan Parade Putri Duyung itu sendiri,
And what I want to call your attention to is not the Mermaid Parade itself,
tapi hanya sebagian kecil yang punya foto Parade Putri Duyung.
a very small fraction of them have photos of the Mermaid Parade.
yang tugasnya memotret Parade Putri Duyung
whose goal is to go out and photograph the Mermaid Parade,
seperti Parade Putri Duyung tadi, menjadi lebih sulit lagi.
with the Mermaid Parade is even harder here.
Mereka suka menggambar Putri Duyung,
They liked to draw the Little Mermaid,
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