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s the 19th letter of the alphabet.
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s'baya.[Surabaya] Surabaya.
s'pura[Singapura] Singapore.
s-0[stratrum nol] nonuniversity degree or program.
s-1[stratum satu] undergraduate program.
s-2[stratum dua] master's program.
s-3[stratum tiga] doctorate program.
s.1. [sungai] river. 2. [Santa, Santo] St.
s.e & os.e & o
s.m.a. di perancislychee
s.psi.[Sarjana Psikologi] bachelor's degree in psychology.[Sarjana Theologi] Master of Theology.
s/d.s.d.[sampai dengan] up to and including.
saadah/saadat/ bliss.
saal/sal/ see SAL 1.
saatmoment, instant
saat . terbitat the rising of
saat gentingcrucial moment
saat inithe present
saat ini jugahere and now

Related Word(s)

a, an, assets, attention, believing, bestow, bird, body, boyfriend, brought, called, came, camel, candidate, carrier, certainly, chief, child, cried, current, d, day, decree, destroyed, down, dress, drew, earth, effect, employee, enemy, exceed, excellence


Baiklah, DigiNotar adalah penyedia O.S.
Well DigiNotar is a C.A.
Kecuali mereka bisa jika mereka meretas ke dalam O.S. asing
Except they can if they hack into a foreign C.A.
sebagai seorang selebriti --dengan huruf "s" kecil-- di Australia,
as a lower-case "c" celebrity in Australia,
People's Supermarket.
The People's Supermarket.
di Queen's University di Kanada,
at Queen's University in Canada,
Konteksnya dalam "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
and the situation is from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
dan diterima di Randolph-Macon Woman's College di Lynchburg, Virginia.
and I was accepted to Randolph-Macon Woman's College in Lynchburg, Virginia,
dengan musik yang terdiri dari, mulai dari 'The Sheep's Meadow'
with music spanning from the Sheep's Meadow
seperti Google, Toyota, atau McDonald's.
like Google or Toyota or McDonald's.
Victoria's Secret -- mereka, karena CEOnya, yang sadar akan hal ini,
Victoria's Secret -- they, because of their CEO, who's aware of this,
T S Elliott benar-benar mengungkapkannya --
T.S. Eliot really said it for me --
raksasa bengkak A.S. ini
this giant bloated U.S.
Ini salah satu kasus dimana A.S. lebih tinggi daripada di Inggris,
It's one of these rare cases where the U.S. is actually slightly better than [the U.K.],
telah dijual di Christie's pada 1994,
had been sold at Christie's in 1994,
yang memiliki katalog asli Christie's,
who had the original Christie's catalogue,
John's Grill, yang sebenarnya
John's Grill, which actually
Saya selalu terkejut dengan Angkatan Darat A.S.
I'm always surprised the U.S. Army
Hanya satu contoh: saya bekerja dengan orang ini, pelayan di Genuardi's.
Just one example. One person I worked with was a bagger at Genuardi's.
dan idenya adalah untuk meletaakkan McSweeney's --
And the idea was to put McSweeney's --
McSweeney's Quarterly, yang kami terbitkan dua atau tiga kali setahun,
McSweeney's Quarterly, that we published twice or three times a year,
dan di belakangnya adalah kantor McSweeney's,
and then behind the curtain were the McSweeney's offices,
terutama untuk para pekerja di McSweeney's
especially for the adults working at McSweeney's
bahkan kami akan segera menayangkan di A.S dan Turki,
in fact, we're already going to be in the U.S. and Turkey, we know.
New School's Venture Fund di Silicon Valley,
New School's Venture Fund in Silicon Valley,
"It's me," atau lebih tepatnya dalam bahasa Inggris, "It is I,"
"It's me," or, more grammatically correctly, "It is I,"
tapi karena saat itu huruf S ditulis berbeda, seperti huruf F.
it's just that the S used to be written differently, kind of like an F.
Misalnya, hadiah satu milyar dolar untuk perusahaan pembuat mobil A.S. pertama
For example, a billion-dollar prize for the first U.S. automaker
Namun yang kita buktikan pada saat itu adalah bahwa A.S. memiliki kekuatan pasar yang lebih besar dari pada OPEC.
And yet what we proved then is the U.S. has more market power than OPEC.
bila Malcolm's di sini, maafkan saya -- ini akan merubah ekonomi,
if Malcolm's here, forgive me -- and it's going to change the economics,
di depan mata kita sendiri dan hollywod's juga sama kuatirnya.
in front of our very eyes, and Hollywood's worried as well.
yang terdaftar pada Kantor Paten A.S.
registered with the U.S. Patent Office.
Ini adalah terowongan yang ditinggalkan dalam acara Hell's Kitchen.
This is a tunnel that's abandoned in Hell's Kitchen.
Terowongan pertama dibuat pada tahun 60 S.M.
The first tunnels date back to 60 B.C.
saya adalah seorang siswa di St. John's Medical College (Fakultas Kedokteran Santo Yohanes) di Bangalore.
I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore.
Tapi di St. John's, saya berada di ranking seperempat terbawah.
But in St. John's, I was in the lower quarter.
Ada juga putri dari pegawai I.S.
I had this I.S. officer's daughter,
Di Rwanda Children's Museum (Museum Anak-Anak Rwanda),
In the Rwanda Children's Museum,
Saya terlibat dalam program BioShield dari Departemen Pertahanan A.S.
I've been involved with the U.S. Defense Department BioShield program.
Hanya ada Limun Keras Mike's di kios,
All they had was Mike's Hard Lemonade,
Si ayah, karena ia seorang guru, tak tahu kalau Limun Keras Mike's mengandung alkohol.
Dad, being an academic, had no idea that Mike's Hard Lemonade contained alcohol.
Blake, dari Tom's Shoes, punya ide sederhana.
So Blake, at Tom's Shoes, had a very simple idea.
bukan oleh Jaws, atau Flipper, atau Gordon's Fisherman,
not by Jaws, or by Flipper, or the Gordon's fisherman,
jika Anda menggunakan kayu bersertifikasi F.S.C.
if you use FSC-certified lumber.
Kamu harus merubahnya menjadi seperti McDonald's
You should turn it into McDonald's.
Bukan seperti model McDonald's
not the McDonald's model.
Model McDonald's membesar
The McDonald's model scales.
Contoh yang paling menarik adalah the Harlem Children's Zone
The most exciting is the Harlem Children's Zone,
[Jeus Melendez bicara tentang puisi Pedro Pietri's-saat-saat terakhir]
[Jesus Melendez talking about poet Pedro Pietri's final moments]
Ini adalah Rodin's bust. Anda bisa merasakan
This is Rodin's bust. You get the sense
Ini di depan Macy's, dan mereka merupakan
This is in front of Macy's, and they were
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