Indonesian to English
schizophrenia split personality
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kami sudah meneliti 20 orang penderita schizophrenia.
we've looked at 20 people with schizophrenia.
Menurut kami pada schizophrenia ada gen yang rentan,
And what we think in schizophrenia is there are genes of predisposure,
yang mungkin bisa terkena schizophrenia.
that's capable of being schizophrenic.
adalah jika Anda kidal, Anda mudah terkena schizophrenia.
is that if you're left-handed, you're prone to schizophrenia.
30 persen dari penderita schizophrenia kidal,
30 percent of schizophrenic people are left-handed,
dan genetik dari penderita schizophrenia dangat unik,
and schizophrenia has a very funny genetics,
tidak akan beresiko terkena schizophrenia. Bisa jadi, bukan?
children won't be at risk of schizophrenia. You might. OK?
orang, misalnya, yang secara genetis mudah terkena schizophrenia,
people, for example, who were genetically vulnerable to schizophrenia --
Saat ini, ada semacam gejala schizophrenia
And to date, there has been a sort of a schizophrenia
Dan saya bilang mereka schizophrenia karena di dalam hati mereka,
And it's schizophrenic because in their hearts
dengan obat antipsikotik untuk schizophrenia.
which antipsychotic medication for schizophrenia.
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