Indonesian to English
terlambat late
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  1. kasep
    (kesiangan, lewat waktu, telat, terlalai, terlambat, cakap, ganteng, tampan)
  2. kesiangan
  3. telat
  4. terlalai
  5. tertinggal
terlambat bayarbe fall into areas
terlambat meledakhanged fire
terlambat menggunakan waktumiss the bus
terlambat startgot late start
terlambat/ kehilangan kesempatlose time

Related Word(s)

behindhand, belated, belatedly, class, delayed, election, late, later, overdue, received, schedule, tardy, time


sampai hal itu terlambat.
until it's too late.
Wang Yue dilarikan ke rumah sakit, tetapi sudah terlambat. Dan dia meninggal.
She was rushed to hospital, but it was too late. She died.
Anda terlambat ke sekolah pagi ini.
You were late for school again this morning.
apakah mereka merasa sudah terlambat, atau apakah mereka asyik dalam
were they feeling they were late, or were they absorbed
karena saya terlambat menangani masalah perubahan iklim.
because I came late to the issue of climate change.
Setiap hari, mereka hanya terlambat bangun sedikit -- katakanlah 15 menit --
They get up just a little bit later every day -- say 15 minutes or so --
itu terlalu sedikit dan terlalu terlambat.
is far too few people, and way too late in life.
sehingga kita tidak tahu ekosistem itu dalam masalah, hingga hampir terlambat.
that we don't know they're really in trouble until it's almost too late.
sekitar 50 tahun terlambat dari sasaran,
It's about 50 or so years off track.
Mereka kemungkinan akan berkata, "Jam delapan terlalu terlambat bagi saya,
they're likely to tell you, "Eight o'clock is too late for me,
unutk mendeteksi penyakit ini sebelum terlambat.
to detect the disease before it's too late.
tanda biologis dari penyakit ini sebelum terlambat.
for the early biomarkers of the disease before it's too late.
dan Anda terlambat lima mikrodetik,
and you're five microseconds behind,
Terkadang kita terlambat mengetahui ada yang salah.
Occasionally we sense something wrong or too late.
Sehingga kita terlambat dalam perlindungannya.
And therefore we're way behind on protection.
ia sudah terlambat.
he was already in too deep.
sudah sangat terlambat untuk menggunakan data itu.
it is way too late to use the data.
bahwa pembukaannya akan terlambat.
on that not happening.
dan itu mungkin terlambat.
and that might be too late.
Kami sudah terlambat, esnya sudah mulai meleleh karena musim panas,
We were too late into the summer; the ice was starting to melt;
(Video): Kami terlambat menonton Afghan Star.
Video: We are late to watch "Afghan Star."
Kami akan menonton Afghan Star. Kami terlambat.
We are going to watch "Afghan Star." We are late.
Kami terlambat.
We are running late.
jika Anda terlambat 3 menit
if you missed your flight by three minutes
daripada terlambat 20 menit.
than if you missed it by 20.
Karena, jika Anda terlambat 3 menit,
Well because, if you miss your flight by three minutes,
yang memperkenalkan percetakan, secara terlambat,
the man who introduced printing, very belatedly,
Sebagian karena mereka sedikit terlambat.
Partly, they'd had a bit of a delay.
Karena kemacetan, kami terlambat tiba di tempat kumuh ini,
Due to a traffic jam, we were late in getting to a slum,
ketidakpastian itu buruk. Ketika Anda tidak yakin itu seekor pemangsa, saat itu sudah terlambat.
a bad thing. If you're not sure that's a predator, it's too late.
Sebagai pendatang yang terlambat, kita selalu ingin berbicara lebih banyak,
As latecomers, we always want to say more, you know,
India, mulai sedikit lebih terlambat,
India, starting a little bit later,
Namun sudah terlambat.
But too late.
namun agak terlambat.
but rather late.
sebelum terlambat.
before it's too late.
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