Indonesian to English
tertegun 1 starled to the point standing still a moment, stupefied. 2 stop suddenly.
please wait
by Xamux Translate
tertegun-tegunkeep stopping.

Related Word(s)

appalled, astonishment, paused, stunned, stupefied


dan tertegun dengan statistik-statistik, angka-angka.
and stunned by the statistics, the numbers.
Setelah tertegun beberapa saat, pelayannya berkata,
After a pause, the waiter said,
atau oleh tergila gila tertegun
or by infatuation stupefied
bergerak tertegun atau lumpuh dengan
move stunned or paralyzed with
biasanya diberikan untuk minum tertegun
habitually given to drink stupefied
kaku atau bingung dan tertegun
stiff or dazed and stunned
membuat torpid numbed tertegun deadened
made torpid numbed stupefied deadened
ruang rapat dengan wajah tertegun
the meeting looking dazed
tertegun atau bingung dan lambat
stunned or confused and slow
tertegun atau lumpuh dengan ketakutan
stunned or paralyzed with terror
tertegun dengan statistik statistik angka
stunned by the statistics
torpid numbed tertegun deadened seperti
torpid numbed stupefied deadened as
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