English to Indonesian
wait for menantikan
wait for sufficient numbers (of passengers).ngetem
wait for
please wait
by Xamux Translate


We just wait for the rain to go.
Kami tunggu saja hujannya reda.
to wait for me to fool around with the codes
menunggu saya mengutak-atik kode
Wait for it.
Tunggu sebentar.
We can't wait for the kind of drought
Kita tidak bisa menunggu kemarau
Now we just wait for a few seconds
Sekarang kita tunggu beberapa detik
and it was called "The Wait for the 30-Hour Hamburger
dan hal ini disebut "Penantian Hamburger 30 Jam
And we can't wait for the other guy. We have to do it ourselves.
Dan kita tidak dapat menunggu orang lain, kita harus melakukannya sendiri.
we don't have to wait for 2070 for there to be trouble.
kita tak perlu menunggu sampai 2070 untuk datangnya masalah.
you just wait for the random motion of atoms
Anda hanya perlu menunggu pergerakan atom-atom secara acak
and you wait for the protein to self-assemble.
dan Anda tunggu dia menyusun dirinya sendiri.
They would get all dressed up and wait for him,
Mereka akan berdandan dan menunggunya,
rather than wait for it.
alih-alih menunggunya.
crows will wait for fishermen to drop lines through holes in the ice.
gagak akan menunggu para nelayan menjatuhkan pancingannya melalui lubang es.
Wait for the light to stop the traffic.
Tunggu lampu lalu lintas menjadi merah.
wait for the coin to come out, put the coin in the slot, and then they get their peanut.
menunggu koin itu keluar, memasukkannya, dan mereka mendapat kacang.
So please, wait for the conductor.
Jadi tolong, tunggu dirigennya.
"Wait for me after the concert.
"Tunggu saya setelah konser.
Saidullah Sahib: I couldn't wait for the boat.
Saidullasahib: Saya tidak sabar menunggu perahunya.
can wait for a really long time.
dapat menunggu untuk waktu yang sangat lama.
we just need to wait for them to get fat,
kita hanya perlu menunggu pasangan kita menjadi gemuk,
It's going to happen. Wait for it. Wait for it.
Ini akan berhasil. Tunggulah.
And then you wait for the opening shock
Lalu Anda menunggu kejutan pembukaan
Henry has to wait for all of that,
Henry harus menunggu hal itu
Wait for the man with the mockingbird."
Tunggulah sang pria pembawa mockingbird."
? We used to wait for it ?
? We used to wait for it ?
? We used to wait for it ?
? We used to wait for it ?
? We used to wait for it ?
? We used to wait for it ?
don't wait for that sign to be adopted, these things don't change quickly.
jangan menunggu hingga rambu itu diterapkan, hal ini tidak akan berlangsung cepat.
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