Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Dari Kata Absent  

  1. Is anyone absent from the English class today?

Apakah ada yang tidak hadir di kelas Bahasa Inggris hari ini?

  1. Leah is absent because she still sick

Leah tidak hadir hari ini karena dia masih sakit

  1. I will be absent tomorrow because I don’t feel truly well today

Aku akan tidak masuk besok karena badanku terasa tidak enak

  1. No students were absent today even they have lot of homework

Tidak ada murid yang bolos hari ini sekalipun mereka punya banyak PR

  1. Who is absent for the biology class?

Siapa yang tidak hadir di kelas biologi hari ini? 

  1. Philip is absent from school because he still on vacation with his family

Philip tidak hadir ke sekolah karena dia masih berlibur bersama keluarganya

  1. You are really absent-minded

Kamu benar-benar sering tidak fokus

  1. I wonder why Helen absent today because she seems okay yesterday

Aku penasaran kenapa Helen tidak datang hari ini karena dia kelihatan baik-baik saja kemarin

  1. Louis absent from chemistry class because he forgot to complete the task

Louis bolos kelas fisika karena dia lupa mengerjakan tugasnya

  1. Was anybody else absent from Chinese class?

Apakah ada orang lain yang bolos dari kelas Bahasa Cina?

  1. Half the students were absent from his class because they don’t like the teacher

Setengah murid bolos kelasnya karena mereka tidak suka dengan gurunya

  1. Lena was absent from roll call

Lena tidak hadir untuk peran tersebut

  1. They are absent from school because they forgot to set the alarm

Mereka bolos sekolah karena lupa menyalakan alarm

  1. Two students are absent today because they were had accident last night

Dua murid tidak hadir hari ini karena mereka terlibat kecelakaan tadi malam

  1. George often absent from school because of his family problems

George sering bolos sekolah karena masalah keluarganya

  1. Why were you absent yesterday?

Kenapa kamu bolos kemarin?

  1. Grennan is absent from school for the last five days

Grennan sudah bolos sekolah semenjak 5 hari terakhir

  1. James was absent from the meeting because he still took care of his daughter

James tidak hadir di rapat tersebut karena masih harus mengurus anak perempuannya

  1. My father is absent on business and he is still gardening now

Ayahku tidak datang ke bisnis tersebut dan sekarang dia masih berkebun

  1. Elena is absent because she still stick 

Elena masih absen karena dia masih sakit

  1. Michael told us why he was absent for the whole week

Michael menjelaskan pada kami kenapa dirinya absen selama seminggu penuh

  1. Alek was absent from the school because of the storm

Alek bolos sekolah karena badai

  1. Eugene is absent from school today because she competing on taekwondo

Eugene bolos sekolah hari ini karena dia ikut lomba taekwondo

  1. I was absent from the school yesterday

Aku bolos sekolah kemarin

  1. Both Jake and Tana were absent today

Baik Jake maupun Tana tidak hadir hari ini

  1. Paul sometimes absent from school because he woke up late

Terkadang Paul bolos sekolah karena terlambat bangu

  1. I’ve never been absent from school

Aku belum pernah bolos sekolah

  1. Leo was absent from school yesterday because he took care of his mom

Leo bolos sekolah kemarin karena harus mengurus ibunya. 

  1. Her father explains if Charlie absent from school because of her illness

Ayahnya menjelaskan jika Charlie bolos sekolah karena penyakitnya.

  1. Noah was absent from school for  a week

Noh sudah bolos sekolah selama seminggu

  1. Quite a few  students are absent today

Beberapa murid bolos hari ini

  1. Two girls are absent from school today

Dua anak perempuan bolos sekolah hari ini

  1. I hear if Addison absent from school

Aku dengar jika Addison bolos sekolah

  1. Who was absent from school last week?

Siapa yang bolos sekolah minggu lalu?

  1. Noah has never been absent from school

Noah tidak pernah bolos sekolah

  1. Richard has a cold and i absent from school

Richard terserang flu dan bolos sekolah hari ini

  • Will is absent from school with a cold

Will bolos sekolah karena terserang flu

  1. Tori was absent from school for last Tuesday

Tori sudah absen sekolah semenjak hari Selasa silam

  1. I will be absent from home in the afternoon

Aku tidak akan di rumah dari siang ini

  1. Do you know why Alice is absent from school?

Apakah kamu tahu kenapa Alice bolos sekolah?

  1. I don’t know the reason why Taylor is absent today

Aku tidak tahu alasannya kenapa Taylor bolos hari ini

  • Nancy been absent from school for the last three days

Nancy sudah bolos sekolah semenjak tiga hari terakhir.

  • Ben has a good reason for being absent

Ben punya alasan yang bagus kenapa dia bolos

  • Even smart people are sometimes absent-minded

Terkadang orang yang pintar juga suka melamun

  • Paul was absent from  school because he was sick

Paul bolos sekolah karena dia sakit

  • I was absent from  school because I had diarrhea

Aku bolos sekolah karena diare

  •  that’s why I absent from school yesterday

itulah kenapa aku bolos sekolah kemarin

  • I can’t tell you why she absent today

Aku tidak bisa memberitahumu kenapa dia (perempuan) bolos hari ini

  • Zack didn’t know why Beck absent today

Zack tidak tahu kenapa Beck absent hari ini

  • Tell me why you were absent from school yesterday

Beritahu aku kenapa kamu bolos kemarin

  • Several students were absent from  school because of colds

Banyak murid bolos sekolah karena terserang flu

  • John absent from class because he still sad after breakup

John bolos kelas tersebut karena masih sedih setelah putus dari pacarnya

  • The reason Austin was absent is because he had vertigo

Alasan kenapa Austin bolos adalah karena dia mengalami vertigo

  • I was absent from the meeting

Aku tidak hadir ke rapat tersebut

  • No one was absent today except Anne

Tidak ada yang bolos hari ini kecuali Anne

  • Fortunately, Sara is absent today

Untungnya, Sara bolos hari ini