100 Contoh Kalimat 8W+1H Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut contoh-contoh kalimat yang menggunakan 8W + 1H dalam Bahasa Inggris:

  1. Who is coming to the party, and why are they attending?
  2. What happened during the meeting, and how did it end?
  3. Where did you find your lost keys, and when did you lose them?
  4. Why did you decide to become a teacher, and what subjects do you teach?
  5. When did the company start to experience financial difficulties, and who is responsible?
  6. How did you manage to finish your project ahead of schedule, and what was your approach?
  7. What is the purpose of this research, and who is the target audience?
  8. Who are the main characters in the story, and what is the plot?
  9. Where is the nearest gas station, and how long will it take to get there?
  10. How did you learn to play the guitar, and who influenced your style?
  11. What is the recipe for your favorite meal, and how long does it take to prepare?
  12. Why did you choose to study abroad, and how has the experience impacted you?
  13. Who won the game, and what were the final scores?
  14. How did the company respond to the customer’s complaint, and what was the outcome?
  15. What is the goal of the project, and when is the deadline?
  16. When did you start your business, and how did you get the idea?
  17. Why did you move to this city, and what do you like about it?
  18. Who is responsible for organizing the event, and what activities are planned?
  19. How did the invention revolutionize the industry, and what are the benefits?
  20. What is the theme of the movie, and who are the main actors?
  21. Where did you get the inspiration for your artwork, and what is the message?
  22. Who is the author of the book, and what is the genre?
  23. What are the symptoms of the disease, and how is it treated?
  24. How did you build the website, and what tools did you use?
  25. When did the company release the new product, and what are the features?
  26. Why did the team lose the game, and what were the factors?
  27. What is the history of the building, and who designed it?
  28. Who are the key stakeholders in the project, and what are their roles?
  29. How did you learn to speak a new language, and what methods did you use?
  30. What is the purpose of the study, and how will the results be used?
  31. When did the company start to invest in renewable energy, and why?
  32. Why did the political party lose the election, and what were the issues?
  33. Where is the best place to go on vacation, and how much does it cost?
  34. Who is the founder of the company, and what is their vision?
  35. What is the impact of social media on society, and how has it changed?
  36. How did you overcome the obstacle, and what was the lesson learned?
  37. What is the best way to stay healthy, and who can help you?
  38. Who are the customers of the company, and what are their needs?
  39. Why did the project fail, and what can be done differently next time?
  40. What is the process for obtaining a visa, and how long does it take?
  41. When did the law change, and how does it affect people?
  42. Where is the nearest hospital, and what services do they provide?
  43. How did you become interested in the topic, and what research have you done?
  44. Who are the members of the band, and what instruments do they play?
  45. What is the difference between the two products, and which one is better?
  46. How did the company expand internationally, and what challenges did they face?
  47. When did you start volunteering, and what organizations have you worked with?
  48. Why did the project receive funding, and what are the expected outcomes?
  49. What is the future of the industry, and how will technology impact it?
  50. What is the role of the government in the economy, and what policies are in place?
  51. Who are the participants in the study, and what are the variables?
  52. What is the main goal of the marketing campaign, and how will it be achieved?
  53. When is the deadline for the project, and what are the milestones?
  54. Where did you buy your new car, and how much did it cost?
  55. How did you develop your public speaking skills, and what tips do you have?
  56. Why did the company choose to relocate, and what are the advantages?
  57. What are the requirements for the job, and how do I apply?
  58. Who is responsible for the project, and what is their experience?
  59. How did the company respond to the pandemic, and what changes were made?
  60. When is the best time to visit the tourist attraction, and what are the hours?
  61. What is the theme of the art exhibit, and who are the featured artists?
  62. Why did you choose to adopt a pet, and what type did you choose?
  63. Where can I find information about the conference, and how do I register?
  64. Who is the target audience for the product, and what are their needs?
  65. How did you prepare for the exam, and what study strategies did you use?
  66. What is the history of the landmark, and how has it changed over time?
  67. When did the company merge with another, and what was the reason?
  68. Why did the team win the championship, and what was their strategy?
  69. Who are the shareholders of the company, and what is their stake?
  70. What is the impact of climate change, and how can we address it?
  71. How did you start your own business, and what were the challenges?
  72. When was the novel published, and what is the plot?
  73. Where is the restaurant located, and what is the menu like?
  74. Who are the leaders of the political party, and what are their policies?
  75. What is the procedure for filing a complaint, and who can I contact?
  76. How did you become interested in the topic, and what are the current debates?
  77. Why did the stock market crash, and what were the consequences?
  78. What are the benefits of exercise, and how often should I do it?
  79. Who are the actors in the movie, and what is the rating?
  80. When is the deadline for the scholarship application, and what are the requirements?
  81. How did you design the logo, and what software did you use?
  82. What is the process for applying for a loan, and how much can I borrow?
  83. Why did the company invest in the new technology, and what are the benefits?
  84. Where did you go on your last vacation, and what activities did you do?
  85. Who are the competitors in the market, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  86. What is the role of social media in marketing, and how can it be utilized?
  87. How did you overcome the language barrier, and what resources did you use?
  88. When is the concert, and what is the ticket price?
  89. Why did the company downsize, and how were the employees affected?
  90. What is the purpose of the law, and how does it impact society?
  91. Who is the artist of the painting, and what is the style?
  92. How did you collaborate with the team, and what were the outcomes?
  93. What is the history of the sport, and how has it evolved?
  94. When did the company launch the product, and what are the features?
  95. Why did the customer choose to purchase the item, and what are their feedback?
  96. What is the process for obtaining a passport, and what documents are needed?
  97. Who is the founder of the company, and what is their vision?
  98. How did you learn a new skill, and what resources did you use?
  99. When is the next meeting, and what is the agenda?
  100. Where is the conference taking place, and what are the accommodations like?